[s-cars] fog lamps w/o low beams

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Wed Feb 16 12:51:49 EST 2005

Taka writes:

> I'm surprised that any country would allow fogs w/o lows- ever see the
> idiots driving around in their BMWs with just fogs and no lows?

Um, er uh.

That would be me (in an Audi).

Poor man's DRLs.

Two tapafuse thingies and 10 minutes of work and I've got running lights.
Better than turning my xenon's on and off constantly...short term use wears
the bulbs.

Can't figure another easy way to add DRLs...only other option I know is to
enable the high beams as DRLs with an add-on kit, and that seems

At least on my '96 A6, the fogs are in the same housing as the headlamps,
and it looks acceptable...

'02 A6 3.0 quattro avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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