[s-cars] parking tickets :-(
chris chambers
fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 19 14:32:33 EST 2005
So you have decided on your own that the S-car list can not include
humor? Why oh great dictator please tell all of us uninformed how YOU
want the S-car list to be used!!
This list has alot of messages with nothing but humor in them, it isn't
solely for the discussion of Audi S cars.
Now if you would prefer any message that is off topic to say so in the
subject, why that I can understand. But to try to dictate what will or
won't be included on this list...No that just won't happen.
You make great assumptions about who I am and in the process have made
a complete ass of yourself.
> I read your post solely because I thought you needed help with a
> parking
> ticket, instead I get a stupid old joke [I saw no humor in it the
> first time I
> read it nor this time] with a political dig added. The s-car list is
> no place
> for this. You don't seem understand, take it elsewhere, say
> _www.youngrepublicans.com_ (http://www.youngrepublicans.com) , you'd
> have 'em rolling in the
> aisles, throw in a lame Heinz joke and you'd be their king.
> I am quite chilled and light, thank you!
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