[s-cars] RE: 1st gear whine

Ron Einblau einblau at einblau.com
Tue Feb 22 15:18:40 EST 2005

Thanks for that little bit of positive information.  I was seriously 
considering swapping out my trans for another used 5sp.  I will now put up 
with the "bucket of bolts" sound when the trans is cold.  The sound almost 
disappears when the trans gets warmed up.
At 10:56 AM 2/22/2005, Gabriel Caldwell wrote:
>I am impressed by your knowledge of Yugo gear whine.  My second Yugo
>came with a busted transmission.  I swapped in the transmission from a
>car that had been run low on gear oil.  It had the whine you describe
>for about 140,000km before grenading a couple months back.  My S4 had a
>slight 1st gear whine when I bought it.  Swapping the fluid seemed to
>quiet it a bit and it definitely hasn't gotten worse in two years (it's
>barely audible).  I also have a 6 speed waiting in the wings.
>Gabriel Caldwell
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) [mailto:WQQ2PXK at ups.com]
>Sent: February 22, 2005 6:57 AM
>To: Toborg Michael (AC-SM/ESC5); Robert Rossato; s-car-list at audifans.com
>Subject: RE: [s-cars] RE: 1st gear whine
>Purests (engineers) may disagree, but fluid is allegedly of the 'life of
>vehicle' type.  Redline *will* produce slight shifting 'notchiness' when
>cold, but then is verrrrry nice once warm (RL MT90 in CMG now).  Others
>have reported good result with BG Syncroshift II (II, I believe) too.
>FWIW my fluid looked 100% fine upon tranny teardown, I was kinda pissed
>after all the treachery I'd devoted toward it's demise.
>Sounds like you've got the 'good noise' (best described as a bucket of
>bolts sound, rather than a high pitched whizzy whine like an old Yugo
>would make)...  let the Hammerings begin!  I'm telling you I was no joke
>downright ruthless (*ruthless*) with mine prior to removal and teardown
>revealed no trace of anything.  What a let down 8-)...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Toborg Michael (AC-SM/ESC5) [mailto:Michael.Toborg at us.bosch.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2005 9:09 AM
>To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK); Robert Rossato; s-car-list at audifans.com
>Subject: RE: [s-cars] RE: 1st gear whine
>No card in spokes sound, it sounds like first gear is a straight cut.
>I'm going to start Hammering, I'm so happy now!
>I'm guessing I should I still go with redline or at least change the
>gear oil?
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Ron (OEM) Einblau
93 S4
Vancouver, B.C.

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