[s-cars] RE: was SFest article now carwash(less)...

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Thu Jan 13 08:26:54 EST 2005

Paul cooed:

> I don't have breasts (if I did I'd not leave home, ever)

Oh I don't know. A set of manbreasts was worth $250K on Biggest Loser this

> so I get good sleep, and Jen is "SuperMom".

Isn't it wonderful how us jerks can sleep right through a baby's screaming
in the middle of the night (or two babies in some cases?)

Must be the Darwinian evolution thing...the cave men that got up to help
their wives in the middle of the night were sleepy during the day and got
eaten by the dinosaurs. Or run over crossing 42nd Street after exiting Grand


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