[s-cars] Re: Service Schedule

Matt Molyneux mmolyneux at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 14:22:35 EDT 2005

I did the Tbelt etc. at 67K miles.

On 7/12/05, Matt Molyneux <mmolyneux at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know what the service schedule is like for the S6 at
> around 90K miles? I don't have an owners manual and of course
> AudiUSA.com says it has a schedule but won't tell me where, so I have
> no idea where I'm at. The odometer flashes "1n .1" for about 20sec
> when I first start it up. I'm assuming this means I'm due for a
> scheduled maintenance. I'd just like to know what kind of maintenance
> it is. Thanks.
> Matt
> 95 S6

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