[s-cars] noticed tonight that the front passenger side fender looks a little high

forrest bradshaw sola4est at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 20 03:22:50 EDT 2005

so I measured the height of each fender, 3 of them were just about even at 26 inches give or take 1/16 or two. the front passenger fender measured at 26.25 inches, its a 1/4" higher than the rest. should I be expecting this spring to settle?
they are H&R race springs on Bilstein sports and have been on for 1 year.
I have never noticed this differance before, but perhaps I was'nt paying attention.
now it's easily noticable to me
also measured bottem of tire to top of rim, and those match.
garage floor does angle for water flow but 1/4" seems a bit drastic.

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