[s-cars] Vancouver-Seattle UrS car meet-up Aug.14th

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Thu Jul 21 02:11:34 EDT 2005

Gentlemen:  Following the June 25th Burien WA meet, I started to think
about a joint meet-up between the Vancouver and Seattle area UrS-car
owners. While, the exact details are still being worked out,  it will
involve meeting up in either Mt. Vernon or Everett area on the Sunday
morning, August 14th and then driving to Leavenworth via Stevens Pass
and back in loop on Highways 2 and 9.  The Tualip Casino may play a role
in this (but not a dice roll -at least for me)

I have most of the Vancouver and Seattle S-car owners individual email
addresses, so I will keep you and them updated as further info is firmed
up. In the meantime, book the day, as required (approvals from wives,
significant others, etc. who, of course, are more than welcome to join
in).  If I have left somebody off the above list the you know/think
would be interested, please forward this email to them (and CC me on the


Dave F. (aka UrS4boy and Librarian on AW)

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