[s-cars] Brake wear sensor question

Ivan Demkovitch idemkovitch at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 1 00:43:15 EDT 2005

Steel fighting that problem... Were looking at Bentley just to see that left
side connected to ground and then to the right side and then to the
It made me think I should have juice on a right. Started to test and found
fluctuating ~1V at one of the pins.
Shortening it to the ground would not turn off that brake lining light.
Should it go off immediately? Wife was watching it while I was connecting.
Light stays on..

Wiring seem to be solid all the way.

Any ideas?

-----Original Message-----
From: Kent McLean [mailto:kentmclean at mindspring.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 30, 2005 8:08 PM
To: Ivan Demkovitch
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Brake wear sensor question

Ivan Demkovitch wrote:
> Is there 2 front caliper sensors??
> Also, how do I know which pins? There is 3 wholes in connector. By 
> just "looking" I seen copper in 2 of them. Is that correct approach??

Each pair of pads in a front caliper will have a sensor,
so there is a sensor on the left front brake and another
on the right front brake.  The circuit goes to the left
front first, which is why that is the side you want to
short to ground.

If you have a voltmeter, attach the negative lead to
a good ground, then test the holes with the positive
lead.  (Be sure the ignition is on, to provide juice
to the circuit.)  One of the holes should show 12V.
If not, then you may have a break in the wiring
"upstream". As one lister said, look by the firewall.

If you don't have a voltmeter, a test light should
also work. Ground one lead, then insert the other
into each hole. The "live" terminal is the one that
lights the light.

Whichever terminal has 12V, that is the one you want
to connect to ground.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke
'56 Austin-Healey 100 BN2, for sale

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