[s-cars] Windshield washer hose

Ivan Demkovitch idemkovitch at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 1 22:19:34 EDT 2005

I didn't have rubber hose and bought clear hose from Home Depot.
Don't think it will last, but seems like it holding ok for now. Will think
about more permanent solution when it brakes again.

Did anybody replace whole hose and what did it cost from a deler?

-----Original Message-----
From: chris chambers [mailto:fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 9:37 PM
To: Ivan Demkovitch; s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Windshield washer hose [WAS: Brake wear sensor


I broke that plastic line too, my repair was a chunk of rubber hose with 2
clamps, but dont clamp it too hard.

I called my local stealer and they "couldn't find the part"...my plans for a
more permanet repair involve a plastic water feed line I saw at Home Depot.
The line is designed to be used as a water feed used for the icemaker and
water dispensor in refrigerators, if it's the right size it should work



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