[s-cars] Bans, and other list excitement...

Djdawson2 at aol.com Djdawson2 at aol.com
Mon Jun 6 21:17:37 EDT 2005

In a message dated 6/6/2005 12:40:08 PM Mountain Standard Time,  
editor at s-cars.org writes:

It  appears that while I was away you guys decided to throw a party.   I
should have known something would be coming down the pipe since things  have
been fairly calm on the list lately.  The list is a lot like a  volcano is
seems...  it smolders, gets hot, and blows up from time  before things return
to "relative" normal again.  
I'm going to put in 2 cents.
This list is probably the best behaved list I've been on.  I've been a  
member of the 200 20v list, and currently subscribed to the UrQ and S-car  lists.  
There have been outbreaks of various sorts...  but nothing I'd  ever consider 
to be long term detrimental.  That being said...

Dan Simoes owns Audifans and is nice enough to let the S-Car  List reside
For that, I believe we are all grateful.  When there are financial  needs... 
let the members know.  I have sent, and will send more to help  keep the lists 
going.  It's a service provided to us that certainly we  appreciate, and has 

Many of  you know that Brett Dikeman has been a long time volunteer helping 
out at  Audifans as well and while he's not been active in terms of moderation 
on the  S-List in the past it doesn't mean that he can't step in from time to 
time and  make a point. 

I applaud anyone who pitches in... but geese... we're talking about REALLY  
stupid issues here.  Did Brett really make a point?  To me, he made  the point 
that he was willing to escalate stupid issues... and as a result,  cause even 
more disturbance.
Just this past weekend, I got together briefly with a number of Colorado  
listers... one of whom was Dennis Graber.  Dennis recently posted about an  85 
UrQ that the owner informed him was up for grabs.  Dennis had no  interest in 
the vehicle... and nothing to gain by posting about its  availability.  For 
those looking for an 85 UrQ, the search can be  lengthy.  When one becomes 
available... especially from a non lister... who  wouldn't want to know about it?  
Well, apparently Brett wants to remain in  the dark.  He slapped a ban on Dennis 
for his good deed.
Was Brett making another point?  What WAS the point?  To  make sure listers 
don't know about UrQs for sale?  To keep our members  uninformed?  This 
particular car couldn't even be added to the marketplace,  so what the hell is he 
supposed to do... REALLY... what is he supposed to  do?
These are the things that make no sense to me.  Maybe better than  leaving 
things up to the sole discretion of Brett, "issues" (really non-issues)  of this 
sort should be reviewed by a few people.
Shouldn't the purpose and content of a list containing many members be  
defined by the members themselves?  Brett stated there was only one rule...  
respect.  Sign me up!!!  I'm in 100%.  That being said, what  "respect" violation 
did Dennis make?
Me... I participate on these lists for one reason... the sharing  of 
information concerning the cars we're interested in.  Is there really a  cost to 
someone submitting a single post to inform folks of items up for  sale?  To me 
(someone who doesn't routinely surf the marketplace), there's  certainly a cost of 
being unaware.  If the general population of the list  agrees, then what's 
the problem?
Last word...  Have you ever met Dennis Graber?  His name and the  word "ban" 
should never be found in the same sentence.  I  don't support making personal 
attacks... but maybe Brett should lighten up  a bit.
Nonetheless... my continued "thanks" for the lists that you and others make  

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