[s-cars] Forums

John Farr alightman at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 8 20:05:19 EDT 2005

I'm a long time member of this list, and though I don't post often, I 
greatly enjoy the wit and wisdom found here. Since the purchase of my 
'02 S6, I've been spending some time on the other Audi forums (It's 
really lonely in the new S6 world!). If the forums were a high school, 
the Allroad guys would be the cheerleaders; "Nice post, Biff, way to 
go!" The A6 forum is more like student government; "What are the 
implications of putting really big spoilers on my mostly slow car?" 
This group is more like the science club/rugby team. It's definitely 
the most informative and fun. Keep up the good work, even Pizzo!
'93 S4 (Semi-retired)
'02 S6

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