[s-cars] Okay, I take it back

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Thu Jun 9 22:27:06 EDT 2005

On Thu Jun 09 18:15:19 PDT 2005, Robert Rossato 
<r0ssat0_987 at att.net> wrote:

>> So last time the subject of tires came up I said the TS-1s were 
>> quiet and
>> Bob R. said not.
>> I thought to myself...what is he talking about?
> Funny, I used to think the same thing.  Especially since they 
> were
> originally your tires and rims.  I couldn't understand how we 
> could have
> such disparate opinions regarding the Toyo T1-Ss.

That *was* the most interesting part!


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