[s-cars] Re: squeeky tail gate hatch

Keith Maddock keith.maddock at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 17:29:17 EDT 2005

 bill mahoney <airbil at gmail.com> wrote:
> Keith et al,
> Believe it or not most squeeks I have ever had were from unlcosed or
> partially closed/unclosed tail light "secret" flaps, flapping back and
> forth.  Too simple right?..

I'll be an optimist and hope for Occam's Razor here..
What/where are these "secret flaps" ?

> Otherwise you could remove interior trim and drive around a bit like
> that to see if the squeek can be located and determine if it is the
> trim making the noise.  btdt
> If the hatch / gas struts squeek when openning, the strut needs some
> lubrication on the shaft AND on the ball joint attach point.

Perhaps time to break out the Boeshield!

> Hope your car is running well otherwise.

Some odd voltage readings, dreading a new alternator is needed.

Otherwise only 600 more miles to suffer at 5psi max...


PGP Key: http://keith.maddock.com/pgpkey.html

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