[s-cars] EDL fails (but my new 22's worked great!)

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 16:30:32 EST 2005

Yes, EDL is ABS in reverse. I hear the pump running until
I get solid wheelspin, then the pump goes quiet, as if trying
to not overheat the brakes. 

The tires ARE winter snows, don't know if it's a private label
version of a Contact 740 snow, (that's what it looks like) 
or it's it's own separate design. By the MFG numbers, it
is made by Conti, just don't know if it's their design. Had to
buy in a hurry due to an impending move caused by a job
change, and to a lack of funds, otherwise would've gone in 
on Taka's Nokian GB. 

As for garages filled with tires, I actually have filled two garages,
although all of the R-rubber is now too old to even bother with. 


On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 11:57:49 -0800 (PST), Theodore Chen
<tedebearp at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- LL - NY <larrycleung at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Lost signal to my satellite link so I was unable to return posts to
> > my previous start to this thread. Several lister's asked what tires
> > I had when I got stuck, they are (if you believe tires.com) "Viking"
> > H-rated snows, supposedly made by Continental, which I bought
> > in sort of an emergency on an emergency budget, size 205/55-16
> > 'cuz thats the smallest that would fit. That said, I still agree with
> > Taka, I think comparatively, EDL was the cheap way out of providing
> > us with a switch and the corresponding wiring, for a locking rear
> > diff.
> EDL also removes the locker.  EDL is just ABS-based traction control,
> isn't it?
> my '92 with its center torsen and manual locking rear hasn't gotten
> stuck yet, even in an icy parking lot covered with several inches of
> snow and dunlop SP8000s (i.e. not even all-season tires).
> i really should get another set of tires to use for my trips up to lake
> tahoe, but i have too many sets of tires in my garage.  my two race
> cars have at least two sets each, and my garage looks like a tire store.
> if i lived where it snowed a lot, i would get some winter tires.
> -teddy
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