[s-cars] Fuel mileage questions

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 4 12:07:34 EST 2005


Your mileage sounds low, I average 22+ mpg with my RS2 mods.
Check and consider replacing your Air filter, Fuel filter and O2

A bad O2 sensor can easily cause increased fuel consumption, this also
normally include some amount of black smoke.

Also I have read that a thermostat that has failed and is stuck open
will keep the engine from warming up and can caue an increase in fuel
consumption. Does your engine warm up fully?


--- Jason Butler <jwbutler at wispertel.net> wrote:
> I have owned my 93 S4 for 3 months now and am wondering what kind of
> fuel 
> mileage is normal.  I have been getting around 18 mpg which includes
> quite 
> a bit of city driving and about 40 miles a day of highway driving. 
> With 
> gas prices going up so much here in Denver I would like to maximize
> my 
> mileage.  the S4 is completely stock with 180K miles on it.  Any
> thoughts 
> on what will maximize mileage?  I don't drive it too hard because I
> know 
> when you get into high boost it sucks gas.
> Thanks
> Jason
> 93 S4
> 91 90 Quattro 20v
> 90 Coupe Quattro (parting out)
> 86 5ktq
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