[s-cars] Re: [V8] Spring GB -- Which brand then?

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Thu Mar 10 11:35:08 EST 2005

Hmm.  As I expressed earlier, I'm not interested.  However, I will check
with the UrS guys and get a feel for what they prefer and why and will
report back.

For the Ur-S-guys:  The debate we have is H&R or Eibach or?  Bilstein Sport
and Koni Yellows are the damping alternatives.  Any of you with experience
with both H&Rs and Eibachs?  The V8 listers want to know...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Coleman, David" <David.Coleman at blackrock.com>
To: <z1sales at z1auto.com>; <ekellock at gmail.com>; <v8 at audifans.com>; "S Cars"
<s-car-list at audifans.com>; <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 11:22 AM
Subject: [V8] Spring GB -- Which brand then?

> Read up guys: http://www.elektro.com/~audi/eibach/

Now my head really hurts.

With the H&R choices defined as 29921 for V8/urS/200 or 29800 for 200, and
there being two or three Eibach choices (albeit quite ambiguous), I wonder
if the varying tastes we have in ride height and comfort would make it more
logical to seek a group buy w/ Eibach as Allan mentioned?

Or with Eibach, is it way too likely people would end up unsatisfied (ride
height, ride level, stiffness, etc.) due to getting the wrong part number?
At this point, I'm still not clear on what my "correct" Eibach PNs choice
should be and what subsequent rear shock modification would needed, except
that (a) some modification will likely need to be made either up or down,
and (b) the car will sit pretty low either way.

For me, the ideal setup would lower 1.3"/1.0" F/R and get progressively
stiffer as force increases.   If I have to shim/machine the rears to get
there, fine.  At this point I'm thinking the extra $$ on the H&Rs would be
worth it to not have to de-code US or German eibach part numbers or have to
rely on the competence/experience/familiarity of the distributor.   But I'm
not in love with H&R, and if theres' an Eibach kit that will suffice, I'm
all for it.

Or is this too subjective a modification that a GB should be avoided all
together?  This is certainly more complex a GB than euro lights or
white-faced gauges... Thank you all for the input.


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