[s-cars] Re: [V8] Spring GB -- Which brand then?
Igor Kessel
KBATPO at comcast.net
Thu Mar 10 12:04:31 EST 2005
Ingo Rautenberg wrote:
> Hmm. As I expressed earlier, I'm not interested. However, I will check
> with the UrS guys and get a feel for what they prefer and why and will
> report back.
> For the Ur-S-guys: The debate we have is H&R or Eibach or? Bilstein Sport
> and Koni Yellows are the damping alternatives. Any of you with experience
> with both H&Rs and Eibachs? The V8 listers want to know...
> Ingo
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Coleman, David" <David.Coleman at blackrock.com>
> To: <z1sales at z1auto.com>; <ekellock at gmail.com>; <v8 at audifans.com>; "S Cars"
> <s-car-list at audifans.com>; <200q20v at audifans.com>
> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 11:22 AM
> Subject: [V8] Spring GB -- Which brand then?
>>Read up guys: http://www.elektro.com/~audi/eibach/
> Now my head really hurts.
> With the H&R choices defined as 29921 for V8/urS/200 or 29800 for 200, and
> there being two or three Eibach choices (albeit quite ambiguous), I wonder
> if the varying tastes we have in ride height and comfort would make it more
> logical to seek a group buy w/ Eibach as Allan mentioned?
> Or with Eibach, is it way too likely people would end up unsatisfied (ride
> height, ride level, stiffness, etc.) due to getting the wrong part number?
> At this point, I'm still not clear on what my "correct" Eibach PNs choice
> should be and what subsequent rear shock modification would needed, except
> that (a) some modification will likely need to be made either up or down,
> and (b) the car will sit pretty low either way.
> For me, the ideal setup would lower 1.3"/1.0" F/R and get progressively
> stiffer as force increases. If I have to shim/machine the rears to get
> there, fine. At this point I'm thinking the extra $$ on the H&Rs would be
> worth it to not have to de-code US or German eibach part numbers or have to
> rely on the competence/experience/familiarity of the distributor. But I'm
> not in love with H&R, and if theres' an Eibach kit that will suffice, I'm
> all for it.
> Or is this too subjective a modification that a GB should be avoided all
> together? This is certainly more complex a GB than euro lights or
> white-faced gauges... Thank you all for the input.
> -DaveC.
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I like Larry's H&R better than my Eibach. We both have Bilstein Sport.
Igor Kessel
two turbo quattros
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