[s-cars] motor mounts and 02 sensors...

Chad Clark chadaclark4 at msn.com
Fri Mar 11 20:35:01 EST 2005

Hi Tom--
I'll throw in my 2 cents here and say that your problem could very well be a 
separated or torn motor mount. This is especially true if you still have the 
stock exhaust system that usually sits pretty tight to the body. The 
twisting action from the torque of the motor could be causing the exhaust to 
contact that center support bar. It may be barely discernable but if you 
have a failed motor mount, sometimes you can feel just a bit more driveline 
slop when you are getting on and coming off the gas. Not quite a clunking 
noise, just doesn't feel tight.

I've preached about this before many times and that is the fact that the 
turbo side mount is subject to some incredible heat from the turbo and 
downpipe. This eventually leads to a brittle, dry rotted and separated motor 
mount. I've seen many turbo/passenger side mounts that have failed in S 
cars. Mine was toast at 85k mi, seen them toasted as low as 60k mi. Not too 
difficult to replace either. The driver side mount by comparison lasts much, 
much longer. I'd even say that failure on this mount is rare. Another thing 
to check is your tranny mounts. Very easy to crawl under the car and check 
if the "V" in the rubber portion of the mount is torn. Again, replacement 
isn't too terribly difficult on these either.

I can't answer the second part of your question but if I had to guess, I'd 
say someone may be breathing off the hash pipe, not your O2 sensor wires;-) 
Hmmm... breathing wires....

With removed center support bar coutesy of Stromung;-)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <thomas.pollock at amd.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 7:09 AM
Subject: [s-cars] motor mounts and 02 sensors...

> Hey s-gurus.....
> I gotta couple of questions for ya... First question. My exhaust hits the
> center cross member under modest application of power. At first I thought 
> I
> could simply realign the exhaust which I did but it only helped a little. 
> So
> now I'm thinking the motor could be tweaked if the motor mounts are gone. 
> A
> quick look under there and the snub mount looks like it's centered and 
> motor
> mounts aren't crushed or anything. Is there a good way to know if the 
> mounts
> are really gone ?
> Second question. Finally getting caught up on some old emails and was
> curious about the recent thread on universal 02 sensors. (I've been 
> splicing
> them in for years!) Someone had posted with a link to page that described
> how the thing works but at the bottom of the page was a little disclaimer
> that said do NOT solder them to splice them in. I could have this wrong 
> but
> the gist of it was that they breath the clean sample air in through the
> braided wire or somthing to that effect. I have never heard this one 
> before.
> Really wierd if true...
> tom.
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