[s-cars] motor mounts and 02 sensors...

Paul Gailus gailus at mindspring.com
Sat Mar 12 12:52:52 EST 2005

Apparently more recent vintage zirconia O2 sensors obtain
their reference gas (i.e., atmosphere) through the wiring instead
of through port hole(s) to eliminate possible contamination
problems from dirt, oil, etc.
Sometimes the teflon wire insulation itself is made relatively
porous to allow some gas flow through it.

So if no air port can be found on the side or top of the O2 sensor,
then it must be getting its reference air through the wires
(unless it's a titania sensor that doesn't need it, but those aren't
used on our cars).


----- Original Message -----
From: <thomas.pollock at amd.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 8:09 AM
Subject: [s-cars] motor mounts and 02 sensors...

> Hey s-gurus.....
> I gotta couple of questions for ya... First question. My exhaust hits the
> center cross member under modest application of power. At first I thought
> could simply realign the exhaust which I did but it only helped a little.
> now I'm thinking the motor could be tweaked if the motor mounts are gone.
> quick look under there and the snub mount looks like it's centered and
> mounts aren't crushed or anything. Is there a good way to know if the
> are really gone ?
> Second question. Finally getting caught up on some old emails and was
> curious about the recent thread on universal 02 sensors. (I've been
> them in for years!) Someone had posted with a link to page that described
> how the thing works but at the bottom of the page was a little disclaimer
> that said do NOT solder them to splice them in. I could have this wrong
> the gist of it was that they breath the clean sample air in through the
> braided wire or somthing to that effect. I have never heard this one
> Really wierd if true...
> tom.
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