[s-cars] RE: Head Gaskets, Bolts, Water Pumps and Stebel Canons

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Thu Mar 17 14:32:38 EST 2005


<<<I've heard some opinions that the composite type head gaskets
seat better than all metal ones (if there are such things, I
don't know) since all metal obviously can't compress I guess.
 So what's the scoop on the composition of the stock AAN head
gasket and the RS2 version (Part number would be great if you
got 'em).

Then of course comes the stretch bolts vs ARP studs can of worms.

The good news is that with Miss Piggy's snout completely torn
off I can access the 2 wimpy hunks of metal that pass as
horns.  I imagine it will be easier to place the soon to be
ordered Stebel canon in its place.  PK, did you mount yours in
the stock location or elsewhere?

Anyway, all opinions welcome on how to proceed.



Heh, sounds like you're going to town down there Mr. Manny.  Hollow
kitties, horns, head gaskets, etc.  Who'da thunk you to be so nutty?
Kudos, quiet and unsuspecting.

WRT water pumps, I installed a Graf cheapo EYEtalian WP ~ 50k ago, all's
fine here (knock woodrow, that means it'll be leaking by the time I
return to the car tonight thanks).

WRT head gaskets, I thought the 'better' of the 2 the //S cars use is
copper, and it does 'compress' a bit.  Unless I'm on crack (never know).

On the horns, I reached under, removed the center bolt from the horn
mounting "v" plate, unplugged the horns, removed the 435hz horn (IIRC,
was all etched in rust), bolted the MOAB in its place, plugged 2 spades
on, reattached "v" plate.  Done.  As I'm today sands belly pan it took 7
minutes.  It is a tight fit against the lower turbo to x-over hose
junction, I nestled the MOAB up inside that elbow those form to keep it
from hanging as low as the pan does.  

Heh, I'm considering for goofs plugging in the remaining 500hz OE in
conjunction with the MOAB.  Again, for giggles.  And beyond that maybe
replacing the OE 500hz with a 2nd MOAB (pending Pizzotron Industries
testing / approval).  Let his wiring harness be damned, and he can
figure out what to do with the relay they come with. 

-Paul keep up the Issues Manny K.

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