[s-cars] RE: Need more info on Water Injection

Robert Myers robert at s-cars.org
Mon Mar 21 10:59:56 EST 2005


Haven't you been hearing that whine of the turbo which tells you its going 
bad and needs to be replaced?  Why I can hear it from here.  ;-)

At 10:55 AM 3/21/2005, Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) wrote:

>Manny Sanchez'ed:
><<<c. If I told my wife I was getting a bigger turbo she'd kill me
>(although I
>have properly instructed my 5 year old to respond this way to any
>that has to do with any car problem; "Daddy needs a bigger turbo").
>So I am interested in your comments.
>Flame on.
>Man, that's f'n rich!  Thanks Manny, needed a good Mon. a.m. laugh.
>You're killing me down there in MD, keep up the good work!
>Not opining on the technical answers for you, but, my gut tells me based
>upon that guy's apparent lack of 'enlightenment' on the specifics of the
>application to which he speaks, I'd simply digest his thoughts for what
>they're worth... not that much here it would seem.
>-Paul will work on Tyler's boost vocabulary tonight K.
>ps.  Manny Sanchez looks neither a Manny nor a Sanchez btw, that was the
>funniest part about meeting him last summer!  8-)  And he was quiet, and
>verrrry unsuspecting.  Had us all fooled, now look at this!  Good
>work...  heh heh heh...
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