[s-cars] Mihnea is a tree huggin hippie!!!!!

Robert Myers Bob at chips-ur-s.com
Thu Mar 24 09:06:52 EST 2005

Aha!  Another advantage of living in the hinterlands of south central 

Annual inspection procedure:

Check to see that all lights work.
Blow horn.  Makes a noise?  OK.
Look to see if the tires are bald.  No metal showing?  OK.
Peek at a front brake to be sure they have pads.
Look for sharp rusted out edges on fenders, etc.  Holes less than 6 inch 
diameter?  OK.
Place a hand over end of tailpipe to see if the system holds 
pressure.  Gloves are a good idea.
Apply sticker to lower left (US driver's side) windshield.
Accept payment of $12.50

Sniff?  What's that?
Look for missing kitty?  Huh?  Why?  Lost your pet?

Bob (Calvin makes a good point - Stromung sans kitty) in south central W-bg-V

At 08:47 AM 3/24/2005, Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) wrote:

>Awesome, great data point Calvin.  Thanks, good to hear.
>Allegedly removing both the precats and main cat in my 2.3-16
>reaaaaaaaaaaaaally woke her up, but that's watermelons to kumquats.
>Guess it's on the ever growing to do list now.  Always and only
>"strictly for off road use" butofcourse.
>The 2.3-16 schhhhhTANK as result tho, hoping these being turbo cars burn
>acceptably less nauseatingly.  Poor bastards behind me, which is
>basically everyone, always...  except when I back up.  Gasp.  Pizzo's
>stunk a bit, but that of course really isn't saying a heck of a lot.
>And I noted a tint of olive oil to it, hmmm...
>-Paul chasing pussy here kitty kitty in CT K.
>appreciable brain cell depletion from bearing down on TR3 fumes while
>-----Original Message-----
>From: calvinlc at earthlink.net [mailto:calvinlc at earthlink.net]
>Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 9:56 PM
>To: Serge Filanovsky; Bill Mahoney; s-car-list at audifans.com
>Cc: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
>Subject: RE: [s-cars] Mihnea is a tree huggin hippie!!!!!
>I took a test in my '89 200 with, shall we say, an unpopulated
>It came ohh so very close to passing.  It sounds like, at least in one
>the examples you guys were talking about, it was not an IM240 test on
>dyno.  That is what I did with the '89.  I will say that there is a HUGE
>difference in that car between cat and no cat.  The boost threshold is
>lowered by about 300-400 rpm I would say.  Of course that is a single
>exhaust with a K26 Turbo so it's kind of apples and oranges.....well
>tangerines and oranges :)
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