[s-cars] RE: Mihnea is a tree huggin hippie!!!!!

Serge Filanovsky s6serge at verizon.net
Fri Mar 25 13:15:25 EST 2005

K-man, you must have missed Brooklyn, NY.

Serge Filanovsky

95.5 S6 Avant

> Paulie yanked:
>> Regarding Canadianeseian inspection...  man, sure makes me feel nice and
>> safe sharing your potholed roads with ya'll up there.  Or not.  8-).
>> Me thinks this yankee will just stay down here with our thankfully
>> inspected cars and potholed roads heh heh.  With our without kitties.
>> -Paul guy bouncing down the road @ 100 on 4 non matching worn
>> underinflated tires and blown shocks with no springs but I'm the problem
>> officer? K.
> LOL Paulie, I don't suggest you ever drive around in Michigan then ! :-D
> Worst roads in the nation, I'm certain (after having driven in all but
> 5 or so states), no inspection, no testing, and no-fault insurance...
> Cheers,
> Keith (wishing the auto industry picked a nicer place than Detroit...)
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