[s-cars] RE: Detailing clinic in CT

Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK) WQQ2PXK at ups.com
Wed May 11 08:30:00 EDT 2005

Lee detailed:

<<<Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 21:29:00 -0400
From: "Lee Levitt" <lee at wheelman.com>
Subject: [s-cars] Detailing clinic in CT

Posted on audiworld.com. Paulie, you should go to this...

Would you be interested in attending a Meguiar's Detailing Clinic for
in Central CT? if so...

...please read the details at the link below and reply to that post. The
CT/NY Audi Group is considering such an event and wants to see if there



Oh, I so cannot RESIST this one...

XX Tuning...  ya mean the place which was interviewed undercover on the
local news last week?  Asking if they'd remove the cats from the persons
car (and I don't mean after a trip to the vet)?  And they AGREED?  On
camera?  BWHahahahahahaha, f'n idiots.  HA!

I drove by there yesterday @ lunch (they're almost next door to my
buddy's shop) and there was a DMV inspector outside his car talking to
the owner, with a pad and paper in hand, taking copious notes.  Bad
things to come for them methinks.  D'oh!  Not to mention the owner has
what causes my buddy Jimmy to call him "Doll Hair"...  THE worst plugs
you've ever seen.  I couldn't even look him in the eye when I once spoke
with him, too scary.

Aside from that, Lee, detailing my car would break from my so well
founded "I don't give a rat's f'n arse" opinion on the appearance of my
car lately.  I think I washed it in maybe November.  Maybe.  More dirt /
brake dust / bugs = more camouflage on what's left of my 10 yr. old
130mphblasted pathetic paint.  I liked that mention in that list of car
craziness posted this week about the only thing to clean is the
windshield.  Na, not even that, the only thing I'll clean is my
headlights.  Maybe.

Thanks tho 8-).

-Paul Issues K.

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