[s-cars] RE: Baffled over boost

Peter Schulz pcschulz at comcast.net
Thu May 26 12:40:19 EDT 2005


Have you tried moving the hoses while performing the pressure test?
Twice I found no issues with the "static" test, but when I started pulling 
and tugging on hoses, I soon discovered splits that I would otherwise have 


  At 12:33 PM 5/26/2005, Mock, Bruce J (Bruce) wrote:
>Whoops again - update to my update  (Sorry)
>I checked and replaced the Bypass valve.  It was bad - but did not solve 
>this boost issue
>I have also pulled a vacuum on the Waste Gate - the diaphragm holds a vacuum

1991 200 20v Q Avant Titan Grey
1991 200 20v Q Avant Indigo Mica
1991 90 20v Q Red
1990 CQ silver (awaiting S2 engine transplant)

Chelmsford Ma, USA 

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