[s-cars] (update) No boost....code 2222

Premiere Investment Properties, LLC. tsidders at wi.rr.com
Tue Nov 8 10:41:42 EST 2005

Thanks to all who responded, it turns out the hose leading to the little
black canister on the firewall. I NOW HAVE FULL BOOST, READY TO MODIFY
Thanks again, this list is priceless!!!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Myers" <robert at s-cars.org>
To: "Premiere Investment Properties, LLC." <tsidders at wi.rr.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] No boost....code 2222

> Most likely there is a leak near the ECU in the MAP hose.  Whatever you 
> do, don't just throw money at it and get a new ECU.  Unless severely 
> physically abused (like submerging it in water and letting it soak for a 
> week) they just don't fail.  Likewise, I have never seen the pressure 
> transducer fail but I suppose it might be possible.  If, by some remote 
> chance, that turns out to be the case a replacement PT is available, 
> either OEM (I have a box of them) or a more modern replacement unit.
> At 08:05 PM 11/7/2005, you wrote:
>>Hi all
>>I just recently got a new to me 92 S4 and am having boost issues....After 
>>overly enthusiastic freeway onramp excursion, I now have no boost, I
>>assuming one of the 150K+ original hoses has let go, but what gives with 
>>code (2222 (Blink Fault Code), Pressure sensor ECU Pressure sensor
>>defective, Repair or replace ECU)  that I pulled? Which hose is most 
>>to go, or where should I start? Any help would be appreciated, it sucks 
>>having the power :-(
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