[s-cars] value of '92 S4

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 10 03:49:21 EST 2005

interesting thing is that if you ask a guy how he feels about driving
a station wagon, chances are that he won't care as long as the wagon is
fast and fun to drive.  i don't know any guy who wouldn't like driving
an S4/S6 avant, a 540iT, or an E55 estate.  but the women seem to be
evenly split.  some will drive it, and others see it as a soccer mom vehicle.
it doesn't matter if it has 493 hp and can run the quarter mile faster
than a viper.


--- LL - NY <larrycleung at gmail.com> wrote:

> Teddy,
> That's what I was going to suggest. The guys on the Saabaru
> site are all getting roof rails so that they can do just that!
> Tint it out, too. then it'll totally have that SAV (sports activity
> vehicle) look.
> Alternatively, you could go the route most of the WRX wagon
> peeps are going, REMOVE the roof rails. Then slam it.
> She won't feel like she's in a soccer mommymobile anymore.
> Still can't imagine it, going for a '94 Camry (how about her agreeing to
> keep IT outside instead of the UrS) instead of an S4TTA. Truely sad.
> Best of luck....
> LL - NY
> On 11/8/05, Kent McLean <kentmclean at mindspring.com> wrote:
> >
> > Theodore Chen wrote:
> > > i've concluded that she isn't going to drive the avant.
> >
> > Strap a mountain bike or kayak to the roof. Then she won't
> > look like a soccer mom. It might help if she could actually
> > ride/paddle, so she could feel the role.
> >
> > For values, see www.kbb.com <http://www.kbb.com> or
> www.autotrader.com<http://www.autotrader.com>
> > .
> >
> > --
> > Kent McLean
> > '94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
> > '89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke
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