[s-cars] Dreaded won't start ...

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Fri Nov 11 20:26:48 EST 2005

Charlie:  I can almost guarantee that if it was running when you turned the motor off, it is either the fuel pump OR the cam position sensor.  You can check to see if it is the fuel pump by breaking the fuel line connection by the fuel rail and attaching a hose to the line. Then with a wire with an aligator clip on one end, a switch in the middle and a spade connector at the other end, you can power the fuel pump independent of the ignition by removing Fuse No. 17 in the fuse panel at the end drivers end of the upper dash, connecting the aligator clip to the + post on the passenger side of the cowl, and with the switch in the off position, inserting the the spade connector in the rear most slot of the Fuse No. 17 fuse holder.  With a hose run outside the car into an appropriate glass or metal container, turn the wire switch on for 15 seconds exactly.  You should get about 675 mL of fuel in that time.  If you get none or less than that, you have a fuel pump problem.

Just a thought.

Dave F.

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