[s-cars] NAC - Nokian snow tire recommendation

Peter Schulz pcschulz at comcast.net
Mon Nov 28 11:42:57 EST 2005

Sorry for non audi content:

Sister in law is driving a RWD car after spending last 12 years with FWD.
Car is a 2003 BMW 325i.

She lives in central New Hampshire, and I recommended Hakkas which she can 
get locally.
The roads are generally cleaned within the day of significant snow fall - 
so she doesn't need the deep snow capabilities of Hakka Qs...

Thinking of putting her on Nordman 1s, which are almost $100 less mounted 
thatn the RSIs....

Any advice appreciated....



1991 200 20v Q Avant Titan Grey
1991 200 20v Q Avant Indigo Mica
1991 90 20v Q Red
1990 CQ silver (awaiting S2 engine transplant)

1990 CQ red ( to part or not)
Chelmsford Ma, USA 

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