[s-cars] NAC Home Theater ??

bill mahoney airbil at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 23:50:38 EST 2005

All knowing "master list of all subjects:"
Sorry for the interuption, but I have started venturing down the home
theater slippery slope with the purchase of a plasma tv.  Cleveage in
high def closed the deal for me... along with it being time to move
beyond the 20 yr old sony tv I have.
I need speakers for sure and a receiver too I think.  7.1 surround
would be nice.  THX too.
Can I connect all this crap up to the digital cable box and a dvd
player?  Would like to spend no more than $1500 or so.  Good luck to
Please email me off list and if anyone cares about this, you can also
email me and I will forward any info learned to you.
Bill M

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