[s-cars] will a concert I work in 93 S4?

Dave Ellis UrS4 at sympatico.ca
Mon Oct 3 09:38:48 EDT 2005

pkrasusky at ups.com wrote:

>Did Steve Young ever complete his conversion on his '93?

I don't think so, Paul.  I saw a post from him advertising his S4 for 
sale just a short while back if I recall correctly.  Maybe Steve could 
chime in though and let us know how far he got?

So far I'm at the very early stages of just trying to figure out 
physical fitment issues.  I've looked through ETKA, but as far as I can 
see ETKA seems to indicate no changes in the trim pieces around the head 
unit in the later S6 models from the earlier S4 models (which I'm not 
inclined to believe), so I'm not sure how the wider Concert head unit is 
even supposed to be made to fit into the earlier center dash console 
yet.  I keep meaning to get around to contacting one of the local S6 
owners to arrange to have a look-see at the dash on a later model.


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