[s-cars] Looking for emmissions outputs and some help
Brian DeWyngaert
puter4m3 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 12 19:43:09 EDT 2005
Tom, thanks for tips.
I had just changed the oil and added 15w-50 syn, I
had to drive her about 35min on the highway to get to
the place where she was tested, so she was good n hot
and the crank breather system, I don't know about. I
need to see if there is a test for it. The audi tech,
changed my plugs cause he said they looked fouled,
even though the plugs were only ~5mo old. The result
was it that it almost passed, but didnt. So the audi
tech took a look at the ECM and said hmm this isnt an
audi chip and its labled high boost, so maybe the chip
is causing your issue. His second recommendation was
replace the O2 sensor, b/c the one I have in currently
is rather new, but i soldered the wires, instead of
crimping them. The tech believes the solder "could"
be increasing the resistance in the wire enough to
throw off the ECU. At this point I have accrued
enough tech time to qualify me for the emmissions
waiver here in VA. But I am searching for a stock
ECU, audi wanted 1800$ for a new one, and they wanted
195$ for a new O2 sensor. Both of which I can find
for cheaper, I just need to look for the ECU. Again
thanks for your thoughts.
94 S4
--- Tom Mullane <tmullane at gmail.com> wrote:
> Brian,
> Fresh oil, a hot engine and a working crank
> breather system are a "must" to
> pass HC at idle, but I would imagine that your tech
> has already BTDT. If the
> car is stock other than the chip, see if someone
> nearby will loan you a
> stock ECU for the test. A new oxygen sensor is a
> good thing too, if you
> haven't done that yet. The last stop would be the
> cats; you'll find the you
> need a second mortgage to afford them, or you can
> have them rebuilt (CT Cat
> outside Hartford will do them for $250 each), or use
> it as a good excuse to
> get a Stromung. If you do the Stromung and you still
> don't pass, at least
> the car will sound cool. :-/
> Tom
> Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 22:36:05 -0400
> From: Brian DeWyngaert Jr
> <brian.dewyngaert.jr at gmail.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] Looking for emmissions outputs and
> some help
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Message-ID:
<30350e3d0510111936r68bc9d98r58061277bc8dba56 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> All I am curious to know what other UrS4s are
> getting on their emissions.
> 1.I am looking for in particular your amount of HC
> in ppm and your % of CO.
> 2.Please list which engine speed these numbers came
> from, idle or 2500.
> 3.If you could please advise if your ECU is stock or
> rechipped (and if
> so who chipped it).
> I ask because after a bit of frustration and 8
> months now of replacing
> parts that had gone south, I am still failing my
> emissions here in VA,
> but only for the idle test. My results have been
> sitting at 186ppm for
> about 4months now and they need to be below 125ppm @
> idle. When run @
> 2500rpm my ppm is ~ 68ppm and the legal limit is
> 125ppm. My CO is
> .10% for both tests. I have run out of ideas on what
> could be wrong,
> and the audi tech at HBL is still scratching his
> head. So I am
> turning to the collective brain of the list to see
> if some answer
> might be scratched together. The only real mods to
> the engine (that I
> am aware of) are ECS stage 1 ECU flash, a Forge DV
> valve, and the
> adjustable wastegate mod (although I have never
> played with its
> settings, this was done by the previous owner). One
> other thing to
> note the dilutions determined by a 4 gas analyzer
> were as follows: @
> idle. 14.1 @ 2500rpm 14.7
> I am open to all thoughts on this, I am in the
> process of delving
> through the archives on this list to see if
> something similar has come
> up before.
> The 2 thoughts I have,
> 1. did the previous owner do something to the
> precats or cat itself?
> 2. is it possible that this is a by-product of the
> ECS tune?
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