[s-cars] Kids and cars

Mark Strangways Strangconst at rogers.com
Wed Oct 12 22:28:06 EDT 2005

I could not agree more, knowing how to get outta of the shitter (going back 
to //sfest 2004) is of get value... I certainly suggest high performance 
driving classes.

 But, on the other foot, maybe you should not do 50 MPH thru a construction 
zone at night in the rain.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Pizzimenti" <joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com>
To: "Mark Strangways" <Strangconst at rogers.com>
Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Kids and cars

> Mark,
> I was driving my F-150 the other night in pouring rain at 50mph on the
> parkway when I come upon a construction zone that apparently didn't have
> adequate drainage. It was dark and I couldn't see that there was about 20"
> of standing water for about 200 feet. Knowing what I know about driving,
> skid control and hydroplaning from both on road and on track experience, I
> was able to keep the 5000+ lb truck straight.
> Shit happens. It's better to be prepared and trained to handle it as an
> instinct than to shut down and panic because you're not ready for it.
> Joe
> On 10/12/05, Mark Strangways <Strangconst at rogers.com> wrote:
>> My point here, and I am really holding back, is why do we have to learn
>> how to drive out of a bad situation. They can be avoided well before they
>> begin.
>> I am not saying that the instruction of high performance driving skills
>> are not an asset, far from it. The thread has focused on what car to get 
>> to
>> survive a hit, or now, how to correct the car from a skid or hydro plan.
>> This is all well good, but my money and time has been spent getting my 
>> child
>> to understand why shit goes bad in the first place and to make sure she 
>> is
>> not there when it does go bad.
>> Kids need to know when things are going south, so they can save
>> themselves. Your child may own a tank on wheels, but that ain't doing
>> nothing when so idiot is behind the wheel that the car she / he is a
>> passenger in. I would think my daughter knows enough to tell that person 
>> to
>> pull over and let her out.
>> This to me is more important than the car she drives (which is a 1988 
>> 190E
>> POS). It isn't pretty, it isn't overly fast. But it's big enough and 
>> heavy
>> enough to stay on the road in traffic.
>> (going back to lurk mode now)
>> Mark
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Taka Mizutani
>> To: Mark Strangways
>> Cc: calvinlc at earthlink.net ; s-car-list at audifans.com
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:59 PM
>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Kids and cars
>> The Skip Barber teen course or something similar is required attendance 
>> if
>> you can afford it.
>> Learning the right techniques and not learning bad habits will pay huge
>> dividends down the road.
>> I can't even count the number of times that I've been able to avoid
>> accidently because I was able
>> to draw upon past autocross and track driving experience and I don't have
>> that much of that kind
>> of experience.
>> I know that being able to handle a hydroplaning car at 45mph in a heavy
>> rain with the car getting
>> loose and having a car do a 270 literally less than 5 car lengths in 
>> front
>> of me, all this happening
>> at the same time, would not have been possible had I never spent time
>> doing auto-x and track events.
>> I know that having this experience, I was able to avoid major damage to a
>> rental car on an icy road
>> (crunched the grille and nothing else, super lucky). Those are only two
>> instances.
>> Taka
>> On 10/12/05, Mark Strangways <Strangconst at rogers.com> wrote:
>> It's about time someone talked about training vs. surviving a crash...
>> I have been holding my tongue for a while now.
>> Mark
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