[s-cars] Central locking system pump

Lewis Consulting lewisconsulting at sasktel.net
Mon Oct 17 01:28:13 EDT 2005

Stefan wrote:
My central locking system has been acting up.  It locks perfectly fine.  The pump comes on for a few seconds and shuts off when all doors are locked.  However, when unlocking, the pump runs for another 10 seconds or so after all the doors seem to have unlocked.  Do I have  vacuum leak, or a bad pump, or both? Where do I point the hammer?  Thanks in advance.

Hi Stefan,

I have had the exact same thing, my leak was at the trunk lock actuator.  I don't think it is your pump.  There is a small rubber hose that seals the system to the rod that moves in and out.  I siliconed it and it held until a 38 C day.  The dealer can't sell just the little hose, they want to sell the whole actuator for $120 +.  I did successfully repair mine...don't laugh, it has been working for over a month and a half.  The key is to find a small flexible hose that will fit over the actuator, about 1/2" diamater and the rod, which is the size of a ball point pen cartridge..really small.  Since I am a cyclist, I used a short piece of inner tube, just make sure you have the smallest tube made for 700C road wheels.  Find a friend that cycles, he will have some old tubes to cut up.  The one end fit perfectly over the actuator without any clamp or zip tie... the other end required a bit of work.  I built up the rod with a small piece of the same inner tube by wrapping it around and electrical taped it down.  I then zip tied the end of the tube, (folding it over itself as it is still a larger diameter) to the built up section of the rod, giving it a better opportunity to seal.  The rod can be un-clipped at the non-lock end.  Anyway, it is working fine, the inner tube is flexible and yet strong enough to take the pressure, my first attempt with a balloon produced a bulbous affair that I thought was going to explode !!  It is likely that your leak is one of these little tubes as they are really thin, mine just happened to be at the trunk which is easy to get at. 

Hope this helps.... 

Randy 96//S6

Lewis Consulting

( (306) 536-8778  

* lewisconsulting at sasktel.net


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