[s-cars] Phenolic Intake Manifold Spacers

Emre Washburn yumyjager at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 13:01:15 EDT 2005

I've talked to Richard Hoffman about making a large run of these for
us on a group buy a long time back, but forgot to ask the list and
forums about interest. He said he would be willing to do (don't quote
me on this, but IIRC...) a GB of 20 or more kits could yield us a
price of $100 or less per kit. Of course each kit would include the
spacers, both gaskets, and all bolts.

If any of your are interested, e-mail me off list, and I'll send a
note off to Richard.

92 //S4
90 Cq
40 valves 'O plenty!

On 10/17/05, James Murray (QA/EMC) <james.murray at ericsson.com> wrote:
> Just thought I'd cross post this for benifit of the S-Car list... this was posted on Audi-doodi-World, a "Phenolic Intake Manifold Spacers" was developed with help of a AW lister, looks interesting...
> http://forums.audiworld.com/s4s6/msgs/87854.phtml
> " ~10mm phenolic spacer kit, Audi 2.2T, Insulates intake manifold from heat conduction through the heads, leading to lower intake air temps -extends the intake runner lengths for better low end torque. Comes with all gasketing and bolts". $160 shipped http://www.vastperformance.com/
> Maybe the price could be dropped for a group buy?
> /Jamu.
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