[s-cars] Help: Water, Do i drill a hope in the floor?...

auctionpics@cox.net auctionpics at cox.net
Sun Oct 23 13:08:01 EDT 2005

Ok as i said the drains where opened and cleaned just last week,

as the "cowling area" was clear and not filled with water so i don’t
think thats the problem

the "sunroof drain tubes" where clear when we tested it last week so i
don’t think its from there

the water looks like its coming in from maybe the side kick panel,just
a guess on my part,

the door didn’t let in water when we put a hose on it for a test last

as far as the ecu goes its dry,i mopped up the water before it got that

but still i have no good answer for whats doing this

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