[s-cars] SQuest
bill mahoney
airbil at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 01:52:40 EDT 2005
I am sure more than a few sfesters and non sfesters alike have
wondered just wtf is this fest thing all about? Is it a religous
revival, hippy rally, rock concert, a show about nothing? What's up
with the Audi thing in CT at the end of August?
Like a moth to a flame I've been to all of them from the first fest
where Mike Platt slept under the stars and Mr. Pizzo (aka cityboy)
slept in his mothers car. To the second where Ed Walsh watched the
GT2 take off and litterly danced in the street whilst holding his ears
and shitting in his pants and screaming. Third year of course is the
now famous Pizzo duct taped in the portopotty. Finally this year the
event really went upscale thanks mostly to some fine sponsors; Bys for
having us, Shokan (http://tinyurl.com/agl47 ) and Eurpirce deserve
special mention and now an experienced professional event staff like
Jeff Posto, Bob Rosatto (thanksfortheshower facility Bob!) and Jim
Pasqualoni (4starchef.)
Upscale means:
Genuine autographed Sfest tire blower gauge things. Shirts (if you
ordered one,) 100% genuine Shokan Sfest officially licensed beer mug
and so many raffle prizes I think everyone got something or two or
three. I won some nice red audi playing cards that for some reason I
plan to keep in the car.
The arrival of 15 urQ's was a sight to behold. One of those, "I'll
probably never see this again" moments. 15 urQ's and 40 urS cars.
Here is a link to some urQ flavors for the unwashed:
These urQ boys taking a CT state tropper back to the future on the
drive over to Sfest from UPG is now legend. i.e. who knows or ever
will know what happened?
What a pile of old Audi's filled the yard! And ollld guys too.
(Hey, wait I resemble that!!)
But there were young guys there too. They're invited in the hope that
they'll bring some younger women who dig old guys;)
Special thanks to Posto and his sons, Paul and Andrew for kindly
offering to share their tent with me. Little did they know that my
Walmart special air mattress would consume half their tent.
Uncle Bob Pastore who's fireworks last year consisted of some
portapotty mayhem, this he year brought some spectacular "real"
fireworks. Illegal, totally illegal;)
Thee original Mr. eS6+ himself, the "Great" Tom Saltino was there all
the way from Georgia! What the heck was that late night shot of
something tailgate party all about?
Mike Pederson or Pederhuasen or MLP or whatever his name is flew in
all the way from Monterey just to see for himself what this group of
nutz is doing and is rumored to have bribed Paul (
http://tinyurl.com/8uth6 ) with some nice bottle of something;)
There is no longer a question of who the CO mafia don is. BwaHa!
05' saw the first Sfest multimedia extravaganza! The weather fully
cooperated with a hot day all day saturday and a perfect night for
watching cars run the ring and rally off the back of Bys chimney.
My own drive out from Chgo. was most memorable (for the last less than
$3- gas) and for a great convoy with Keith top down Miata Maddock.
The sight of Manhatten at night from the GW bridge was only surpassed
by the drive to north CT. via the Henry Hudson to the Saw Mill to the
Xcounty to the Hutch to the Merritt Parkway. Wow! Four of these
roads were built pre 1940 as roads through litterally parks and are
old and winding hilly roads. We love that
And no story would be complete before thanking Paul Krockuski for once
again getting everyone on the east coast to bring their cars over so
he can drive them.
That is the true mission of Sfest. (Thanks Vincent;)
and Tanks Paul! You rulz! You have lost your mind.
Next year? Who knows what happens?!
Bill m
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