September 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Sep 1 00:00:16 EDT 2005
Ending: Fri Sep 30 21:01:17 EDT 2005
Messages: 943
- [s-cars] Wastegate Screw Replacement
James Murray (QA/EMC)
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Update
James Murray (QA/EMC)
- [s-cars] Seeking 92 S4 or S6 Plus Springs
James Murray (QA/EMC)
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Toborg Michael (AC-SM/ESC3) *
- [s-cars] Expansion tank replace or just a hose clamp?
Toborg Michael (AC-SM/ESC3) *
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Toborg Michael (AC-SM/ESC3) *
- [s-cars] Times stops when parked
Toborg Michael (AC-SM/ESC3) *
- [s-cars] Plastic coated wheel weights
Toborg Michael (AC-SM/ESC3) *
- [s-cars] '95 S6 Electrical Problems Compounding
Bill de Alva
- [s-cars] Wheel Sizes
Brian Armstead
- [s-cars] car review needed on 2002 C32 AMG
Brian Armstead
- [s-cars] Strange AC Issue
Brian Armstead
- [s-cars] Oil catch tank
Brian Armstead
- [s-cars] Ronal $400 gift certificate to swap
Rich Assarabowski
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
Rich Assarabowski
- [s-cars] Anyone know anything about car transport....
Charles Baer
- [s-cars] Track timing systems/data loggers? GPS
Charles Baer
- [s-cars] Gas Prices - I'm right there with you Larry C
Kevin Barnett
- [s-cars] Is there a FAQ on the web somewhere for changing the bulbs in teh window switches?
Kevin Barnett
- [s-cars] Intermittent: Bad Idle, Stall & Black Smoke
Keith Bedard
- [s-cars] Seeking 92 S4 or S6 Plus Springs
Bruce Bell
- [s-cars] Front License Plate Screws
Nathan Belo
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
Bluemaxww1 at
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
Bluemaxww1 at
- [s-cars] How much can I get from parting an S4?
Jesse Bodenlos
- [s-cars] Acetone in Gasoline?
Jason Butler
- [s-cars] Acetone in Gasoline?
Jason Butler
- [s-cars] 93 s4 cold start issues
C4blitz at
- [s-cars] clues for windshield or dash removal please
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Intermittent: Bad Idle, Stall & Black Smoke
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports - do I need bump stops?
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports - do I need bump stops?
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Lower door trim, redux...
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Proconten
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Car transport
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] PacNW S-head meetup
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] S4 grille badge needed
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Help with B5 S4
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Mysterious fuel pump problem at start
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Anybody in PA?
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Way Wrong temp readout
Kevin Campbell
- [s-cars] Way Wrong temp readout
Kevin Campbell
- [s-cars] radio on/door open buzzer
Kevin Campbell
- [s-cars] PSO pricing
CaptMagu at
- [s-cars] Track tires
CaptMagu at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
CaptMagu at
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sport and Eibach Spring Installl Gone Bad
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] 87 Octane
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Mysterious fuel pump problem at start
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Audi parts -- Re: Antenna Mast Price
Bill Clancy
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Bill Clancy
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Bill Clancy
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Bill Clancy
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Bill Clancy
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Bill Clancy
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Bill Clancy
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Bill Clancy
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Bill Clancy
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Bill Clancy
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Bill Clancy
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Bill Clancy
- [s-cars] Q7 High-bred
Sam Clarkson
- [s-cars] FW: Greetings from Saskatchewan !
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] FW: Greetings from Saskatchewan !
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] Driver side door lock
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] How do you remove front signal bulb?
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] Thks everyone for corner removal advice
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] What would you do?
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] What would you do?
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] Ignintion Switch Replacement .. success at last!
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] Oh no... ignition may not have solved problem!!
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] Anyone know anything about car transport....
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] Oh no... ignition may not have solved problem!!
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] Anyone replaced a turn signal arm?
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] Anyone replaced a turn signal arm?
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] '95 S6 Electrical Problems Compounding
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs - Alternative
D Cosby
- [s-cars] Hesitation -- please help
Adam Cramer
- [s-cars] Newbie UrS6 owner has some questions....
Adam Cramer
- [s-cars] Finally got the S6 lowered... I guess total drop was somwhere near 2.5"
Levent Cur
- [s-cars] Finally got the S6 lowered... I guess total drop was somwhere near 2.5"
Levent Cur
- [s-cars] '95.5 locking system
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Radio Antenna Broken
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Canucks - try MacEwen gas...
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports - do I need bump stops?
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] pulled 5 codes with scan tool, help diagnosing them
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports - do I need bump stops?
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Coils
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Doin' the rear rotors and pads...
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] '95 S6 Electrical Problems Compounding
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Rotors and pads done.
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Couple of brake questions, was: J-hose...
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion. I turned the key and...
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Link to first photo
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] STP Fuel Injector cleaner
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Chip Soldering Tips
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Separate forum?
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Seeking 92 S4 or S6 Plus Springs
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Crazy electrical issues
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Mysterious fuel pump problem at start
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] You know you've happersized your S car when
Mesa Cycles
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Mesa Cycles
- [s-cars] LAF: Tuesday Theater
Paul DAnneo
- [s-cars] LAC: Need Advice From Boston Area Listers
- [s-cars] need tech in Santa Monica
Bob DG
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
Bob DG
- [s-cars] car review needed on 2002 C32 AMG
Bob DG
- [s-cars] car review needed on 2002 C32 AMG
Bob DG
- [s-cars] 2.6L Stroker Software?
Bob DG
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
Bob DG
- [s-cars] Sport Quattro Manifold
Bob DG
- [s-cars] Radiator fan not working
Bob DG
- [s-cars] Car transport
Bob DG
- [s-cars] 87 Octane- CA?
Bob DG
- [s-cars] S4 bucking under WOT - what else?
Bob DG
- [s-cars] S4 bucking under WOT - what else?
Bob DG
- [s-cars] OEM Xenon out
Bob DG
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
DGraber460 at
- [s-cars] special tool advice
DGraber460 at
- [s-cars] whining replacement heater blower (yes, replacement)
Kevin Day
- [s-cars] whining replacement heater blower (yes, replacement)
Kevin Day
- [s-cars] Coolant Leak at Front of Engine
Ivan Demkovitch
- [s-cars] Coolant Leak at Front of Engine
Ivan Demkovitch
- [s-cars] J-Hose Source
Ivan Demkovitch
- [s-cars] S4 bucking under WOT - what else?
Ivan Demkovitch
- [s-cars] S4 bucking under WOT - what else?
Ivan Demkovitch
- [s-cars] S4 bucking under WOT
Ivan Demkovitch
- [s-cars] Replacing whinning blower
Ivan Demkovitch
- [s-cars] Fwd: Stolen S2
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] Anyone need a project?
Djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] How do you remove front signal bulb?
Djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Link to first photo
Djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
Djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Lower door trim - report.
Djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Clutch Woesssssssssssssss
Djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Monday Nite LaffTheater
Djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Wayne Dohnal
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Wayne Dohnal
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Wayne Dohnal
- [s-cars] Another new owner tip (was Spark Plugs)
Wayne Dohnal
- [s-cars] Newbie UrS6 owner has some questions....
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] 1988 90 quattro - good or bad?
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Coolant Leak at Front of Engine
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Coolant Leak at Front of Engine
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Coolant Leak at Front of Engine - Update
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Need help with the 1.8t coil pack conversion
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] FW: Greetings from Saskatchewan !
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] UrS4/6 Afterrun Thermoswitch option
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] clutch rod snapped?
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] clutch rod snapped?
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] clutch rod snapped?
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Fixed Clutch Rod Today
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Outside Temperature Light
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Coils
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] pulled 5 codes with scan tool, help diagnosing them
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Anyone know anything about car transport....
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Is there a FAQ on the web somewhere for changing the bulbsin teh window switches?
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion. I turned the key and...
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] S8 Avus
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] list wisdom request: clutch woes
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] OEM Xenon out
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Hesitation, Missing, Rough Idle
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Looking for CD Changer mounting brakets for the Avant
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Plastic coated wheel weights
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Seeking 92 S4 or S6 Plus Springs
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Euro headlights
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] looking for a source for floor mats
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Coils
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] Some questions
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Separate forum?
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] Euro headlights
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] 87 Octane
- [s-cars] 87 Octane
- [s-cars] 87 Octane- CA?
- [s-cars] Rob Mocas 1995 S6
Doyt W. Echelberger
- [s-cars] pulled 5 codes with scan tool, help diagnosing them
Steve Eiche
- [s-cars] Cruise Control - Big Hammer Approach
Dave Ellis
- [s-cars] UrS4/6 Afterrun Thermoswitch option
Markus Fagervik
- [s-cars] UrS4/6 Afterrun Thermoswitch option
Markus Fagervik
- [s-cars] AWD Wagons
John Farr
- [s-cars] AWD Wagon
John Farr
- [s-cars] 25th Annual Wheels and Wings Car Show - Osceola, WI
Douglas Fifield
- [s-cars] Brake Light Problem Back Again
Douglas Fifield
- [s-cars] S(edweirdo)quest
Serge Filanovsky
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
Serge Filanovsky
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
Serge Filanovsky
- [s-cars] Part: Lightweight Flywheel
Serge Filanovsky
- [s-cars] NAC: BMW Tension.
Serge Filanovsky
- [s-cars] Euro A8 (314x30)spec?
Serge Filanovsky
- [s-cars] Euro A8, thanks everyone
Serge Filanovsky
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Serge Filanovsky
- [s-cars] Brake Pads
Serge Filanovsky
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Serge Filanovsky
- [s-cars] Need help with the 1.8t coil pack conversion
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Paging Tony Guttmann. Your email address is borked.
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] A potential diagnostic for the knock sensor(s)
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] No joke. I need spark plug "extenders".
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 1.8t coil pack conversion - CANCEL the plug extenders
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion. I turned the key and...
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Link to first photo
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Link to first photo
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Link to first photo
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] [S-P-A-M] [13.0] Re: 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Link to first photo
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] The 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion Shopping List
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion Shopping List
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion Pin out info (with OE POS info)
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] PAC NW S-cars (plus) Leavenworth Drive
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Update
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Update
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Rear Diffs: V8 torsen vs OEM S-car vacuum locker
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Rear Diffs: V8 torsen vs OEM S-car vacuum locker
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Separate forum?
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion: Wire loom update
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Track tires
Trevor Frank
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports - do I need bump stops?
Trevor Frank
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sport and Eibach Spring Installl Gone Bad
Trevor Frank
- [s-cars] high flow race cats?
Trevor Frank
- [s-cars] high flow race cats?
Trevor Frank
- [s-cars] high flow race cats?
Trevor Frank
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Trevor Frank
- [s-cars] Right/left threaded Heim joints/links for HSRSB
Trevor Frank
- [s-cars] Maf's
Trevor Frank
- [s-cars] URGENT HELP NEEDED: half the electrics are dead
Vincent Fregeac
- [s-cars] URGENT HELP NEEDED: half the electrics are dead
Vincent Fregeac
- [s-cars] RE : URGENT HELP NEEDED: half the electrics are dead - partially solved
Vincent Fregeac
- [s-cars] RE : Some questions
Vincent Fregeac
- [s-cars] NAC but I think you'll appreciate it.
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] NAC but I think you'll appreciate it.
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] Fixed Clutch Rod Today
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] Coil wire splicing
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] Coils
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion. I turned the key and...
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Link to first photo
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Separate forum?
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
Jack Gagnon
- [s-cars] Maf's
Jack Gagnon
- [s-cars] Turbo Upgrade
Jack Gagnon
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
Paul Gailus
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Paul Gailus
- [s-cars] What can you do with a VAG-COM on a 20V?
Christopher Gharibo
- [s-cars] Newbie UrS6 owner has some questions....
David Giannandrea
- [s-cars] Yet another Audi electrical quirk
Marc Gorelick
- [s-cars] Lower door trim, redux...
Marc Gorelick
- [s-cars] clues for windshield or dash removal please
Tom Green
- [s-cars] NAC Friday follies
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Lower door trim
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Brake pressure accumulator
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Some questions about Bumper Grills
Tom Green
- [s-cars] S4 bucking under WOT
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Re S4 grill badge needed
Tom Green
- [s-cars] '92-'94 S4 Euro lenses
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Dumb question--identifying original ECU chips
Tony Guttmann
- [s-cars] Dead ECU wanted
Tony Guttmann
- [s-cars] Dead ECU--BMW equivalent
Tony Guttmann
- [s-cars] ECU pin-out wanted
Tony Guttmann
- [s-cars] misc '93 S4 items
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
HOOG23 at
- [s-cars] $1000 RS2 Turbos?
HOOG23 at
- [s-cars] $1000 RS2 Turbos - Cancel
HOOG23 at
- [s-cars] Seeking 92 S4 or S6 Plus Springs
HOOG23 at
- [s-cars] Wastegate
Mark Hahn
- [s-cars] Lifter Noise
Mark Hahn
- [s-cars] Crazy electrical issues
K Hayes
- [s-cars] 1988 90 quattro - good or bad?
Richard Hoffman
- [s-cars] 1988 90 quattro - good or bad?
Richard Hoffman
- [s-cars] special tool advice
Richard Hoffman
- [s-cars] Anybody in PA?
Scott R. Holman
- [s-cars] mountain roads s-car gathering
- [s-cars] assist needed- alt/ fan roller bearing needed
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake Kit?
Greg Johnson
- [s-cars] Samco hose needed
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] A good Audi mechanic is being sought...
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] [Es2] still looking for unstable idle problem
Ben Klumper
- [s-cars] Driver side door lock
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] How do you remove front signal bulb?
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Brake pressure accumulator
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Looking for 10-disc changer cartridge.
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Wanna trade?
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] wanna trade - UPDATE
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Igor plates
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Looking for CD Changer mounting brakets for the Avant
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Stop *@#$ing zapping me!
Doug Landaeta
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
Rich Letsinger
- [s-cars] Proconten
Rich Letsinger
- [s-cars] S8 Avus
Rich Letsinger
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Evan Levine
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Evan Levine
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Evan Levine
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Evan Levine
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Evan Levine
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Separate forum?
Evan Levine
- [s-cars] Gas Prices - I'm right there with you Larry C
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Gas Prices - I'm right there with you Larry C
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] AWD wagons
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] AWD wagons
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] AWD wagons
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] phone speaker wire
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Hands free + armrest tweek
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Hands free + armrest tweek
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] FS: 2002 A6
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] How do you remove front signal bulb?
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Speaking of corner lights...
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Speaking of corner lights...
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Coil wire splicing
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] LAF: Weakend Theater
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] More Weakend Theater
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Important news
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] LAF: Tuesday Theater
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] LAF: Tuesday Theater
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Monday Nite LaffTheater
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Brake Pads
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] VW stuff
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] LAC: Need Advice From Boston Area Listers
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Euro headlights
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Increased UrS mileage 20%
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Thnks from Saskatchewan and one more challenge!
Randy Lewis
- [s-cars] Ignition Switch Recall on S6 ... will Audi do it 2X?
Randy Lewis
- [s-cars] Ignition Switch Recall on S6 ... will Audi do it 2X?
Randy Lewis
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Chris Ludlow
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports - do I need bump stops?
David Mackintosh
- [s-cars] Right/left threaded Heim joints/links for HSRSB
David Mackintosh
- [s-cars] Right/left threaded Heim joints/links for HSRSB
David Mackintosh
- [s-cars] Stop *@#$ing zapping me!
Keith Maddock
- [s-cars] Hands free + armrest tweek
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] FW: Greetings from Saskatchewan !
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] Hands free + armrest tweek
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] FW: Greetings from Saskatchewan !
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] Now turn signal problems from Saskatchewan !
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] Coil wire splicing
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] Lower door trim
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] Evo schmevo
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] Is there a FAQ on the web somewhere for changing the
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] I guess no one warned them about S//Fest?
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] LAF Weakend Theater
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] Mysterious fuel pump problem at start
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
R. Mair
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
R. Mair
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
R. Mair
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
R. Mair
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
R. Mair
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
R. Mair
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
R. Mair
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
R. Mair
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
R. Mair
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
R. Mair
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
R. Mair
- [s-cars] Finally got the S6 lowered... I guess total drop wassomwhere near 2.5"
Steve Marinello
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Steve Marinello
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
Steve Marinello
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
Steve Marinello
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
Steve Marinello
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
Steve Marinello
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
Steve Marinello
- [s-cars] Subject: Re: Seeking 92 S4 or S6 Plus Springs
Steve Marinello
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Jason Mawhinney
- [s-cars] Is there a FAQ on the web somewhere for changing the bulbs in teh window switches?
Jason Mawhinney
- [s-cars] URGENT HELP NEEDED: half the electrics are dead
Jason Mawhinney
- [s-cars] Strange AC Issue
Jason Mawhinney
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Jason Mawhinney
- [s-cars] Acetone in Gasoline?
Jason Mawhinney
- [s-cars] Euro headlights
Jason Mawhinney
- [s-cars] //SFest 2005 highlights
Harold McComas
- [s-cars] OEM Xenon out
Harold McComas
- [s-cars] S4 grille badge needed
Harold McComas
- [s-cars] Increased UrS mileage 20%
Harold McComas
- [s-cars] RE : anyone besides me tempted to pump virgin olive oil
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Now turn signal problems from Saskatchewan !
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] clutch rod snapped?
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion. I turned the key and...
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Window Switch Gremlins
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Link to first photo
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] whining replacement heater blower (yes, replacement)
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Separate forum?
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] LAC: Need Advice From Boston Area Listers
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Crazy electrical issues
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Anyone know anything about car transport....
Bruce Mendel
- [s-cars] Euro A8 (314x30)spec?
Phil Mische
- [s-cars] Gas Prices - I'm right there with you Larry C
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Gas Prices - I'm right there with you Larry C
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Gas Prices - I'm right there with you Larry C
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Finally got the S6 lowered... I guess total drop was somwhere near 2.5"
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Finally got the S6 lowered... I guess total drop wassomwhere near 2.5"
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Wheel Sizes
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] still looking for unstable idle problem
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports Installed
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] NAC: BMW Tension.
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake Kit?
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] electrical connector pin removal tool?
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Separate forum?
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Increased UrS mileage 20%
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Part: Lightweight Flywheel
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Part: Lightweight Flywheel
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Differences between 2001 and 2001.5 S4
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Proconten
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Proconten
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Proconten
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs - Alternative
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] '95 S6 Electrical Problems Compounding
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] S8 Avus
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] NAC: BMW Tension.
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] 6 Speed Installed
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Turbo Upgrade
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Seeking 92 S4 or S6 Plus Springs
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Turbo Upgrade
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Turbo Upgrade
Matt Molyneux
- [s-cars] Overboosting.
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] Overboosting.
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] Overboosting.
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] Overboosting.
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] Overboosting.
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] Overboosting.
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] special tool advice
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] 87 Octane- CA?
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] 1993 S4 - $3900
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] HELP: Trans no longer going into gear
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] X-Plug BTDT. It still leaks
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Radio Antenna Broken
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Radio Antenna Broken
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] assist needed- alt/ fan roller bearing needed
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Lower door trim, redux...
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Lower door trim
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Proconten
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] OEM Xenon out
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] if i could direct your attention here...
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Increased UrS mileage 20%
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Increased UrS mileage 20%
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] '95.5 locking system
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Finally got the S6 lowered... I guess total drop was somwhere near 2.5"
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Dumb question--identifying original ECU chips
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Fuel prices (NAC)
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] FA Install
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] PSO pricing
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] PSO pricing
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Another new owner tip (was Spark Plugs)
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] S8 Avus
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] LAF: Tuesday Theater
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Link to first photo
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] S4 bucking under WOT - what else?
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Euro headlights
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Increased UrS mileage 20%
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Eibach spring spacers
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] //SFest 2005 highlights - long
- [s-cars] //SFest 2005 highlights - long
- [s-cars] Finally got the S6 lowered... I guess total drop was somwhere near 2.5"
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
- [s-cars] Finally got the S6 lowered... I guess total drop wassomwhere near 2.5"
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
- [s-cars] Fuel prices (NAC)
- [s-cars] Nitto NT01
- [s-cars] Another new owner tip (was Spark Plugs)
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports - do I need bump stops?
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
- [s-cars] So who's car is this??
- [s-cars] Lower door trim, redux...
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
- [s-cars] Greg Galinsky - can you contact me RE: Nokians?
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports Installed
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Link to first photo
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
- [s-cars] ECS Stage III
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
- [s-cars] (no subject)
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
- [s-cars] Noisy 2Bennett Camber Plates
- [s-cars] STP Fuel Injector cleaner
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
- [s-cars] Monday Nite LaffTheater
- [s-cars] Plastic coated wheel weights
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Separate forum?
- [s-cars] Euro headlights
- [s-cars] Koni/Eibach..not level :(
- [s-cars] Acetone in Gasoline?
- [s-cars] Acetone in Gasoline?
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
William Noland
- [s-cars] Replacing BOSE Unit
Elvis Palombizio
- [s-cars] Hesitation, Missing, Rough Idle
Paul Park
- [s-cars] X-Plug BTDT. It still leaks
Parkpy at
- [s-cars] Gas Prices - I'm right there with you Larry C
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] AWD wagons
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] AWD wagons
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] AWD wagons
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] Overboosting.
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] mountain roads s-car gathering
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] What would you do?
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] Audi Wiesbaden Radio
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] Lower door trim
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] Lower door trim
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] Evo schmevo
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] Is there a FAQ on the web somewhere for changing the bulbsin teh window switches?
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] Car transport
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] ECU pin-out wanted
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] ECS Stage III
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
Pasqualoni, James E
- [s-cars] Holy Cow...
Cody Payne
- [s-cars] Gas Prices - I'm right there with you Larry C
Cody Payne
- [s-cars] 2.6L Stroker Software?
Cody Payne
- [s-cars] So who's car is this??
Cody Payne
- [s-cars] J-Hose Source
Cody Payne
- [s-cars] 87 Octane- CA?
Cody Payne
- [s-cars] Brake Pads
Cody Payne
- [s-cars] A/C condensate on 93 UrS4 ?
Joe Petersack
- [s-cars] Newbie UrS6 owner has some questions....
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Newbie UrS6 owner has some questions....
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Wastegate
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Newbie UrS6 owner has some questions....
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Lower door trim, redux...
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Lower door trim, redux...
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Brake pressure accumulator, plus...
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Couple of brake questions, was: J-hose...
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Lower door trim - report.
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] PAC NW S-Cars...
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Subject: Re: Seeking 92 S4 or S6 Plus Springs
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Mysterious fuel pump problem at start
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Gas Prices - I'm right there with you Larry C
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] misc '93 S4 items
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Gas Prices - I'm right there with you Larry C
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Track tires
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] So who's car is this??
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] So who's car is this??
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Evo schmevo
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Evo schmevo
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Evo schmevo
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Evo schmevo
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] NAC: BMW Tension.
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Turbo Upgrade
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Separate forum?
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Ignition Switch Recall on S6 ... will Audi do it 2X?
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports Installed
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports Installed
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] ECU "resetting"
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Update
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Rear Diffs: V8 torsen vs OEM S-car vacuum locker
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] recent overboost discussion...
Pollock, Thomas
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Pollock, Thomas
- [s-cars] VW alarm help ?
Pollock, Thomas
- [s-cars] LAC: Need Advice From Boston Area Listers
Brian Powell
- [s-cars] AWD Wagon
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Hands free + armrest tweek
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Ur-S6 Avant antenna replacement
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] car review needed on 2002 C32 AMG
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] high flow race cats?
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] high flow race cats?
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Separate forum?
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Separate forum?
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Track tires
RCaro900SS at
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
- [s-cars] WAS: subbie racist, now Rental Cars
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
- [s-cars] Audi tool rentals?
- [s-cars] Window Switch Gremlins
Rfeagleye at
- [s-cars] URs4 site
- [s-cars] SRS computer wanted
- [s-cars] Euro headlights
- [s-cars] speed nut
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] speed nut
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Newbie UrS6 owner has some questions....
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] //SFest 2005 highlights - long
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] X-Plug BTDT. It still leaks
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] AWD Wagon
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] URGENT HELP NEEDED: half the electrics are dead
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] S8 Avus
RubEric at
- [s-cars] Noisy 2Bennett Camber Plates
RubEric at
- [s-cars] X-Plug BTDT. It still leaks
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Update
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] electrical connector pin removal tool?
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] Happersized Rear Sway Bars(HRSB)
Scot Anderson, DC
- [s-cars] speed nut
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] RS6 at salvage auction in Denver
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] special tool advice
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] Proconten
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] J-Hose Source
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] Mysterious fuel pump problem at start
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] clues for windshield or dash removal please
Chris Semple
- [s-cars] 87 Octane
James Shackelford
- [s-cars] 87 Octane- CA?
James Shackelford
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day - Altitude
James Shackelford
- [s-cars] HELP: Trans no longer going into gear
Sandy Sligh
- [s-cars] clutch rod snapped?
Sandy Sligh
- [s-cars] Looking for 10-disc changer cartridge.
Charlie Smith
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports - do I need bump stops?
Southerlin, Russell S
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sport and Eibach Spring Installl Gone Bad
Southerlin, Russell S
- [s-cars] Fixed Clutch Rod Today
Southerlin, Russell S
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports - do I need bump stops?
Southerlin, Russell S
- [s-cars] clutch rod snapped?
Southerlin, Russell S
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports Installed
Southerlin, Russell S
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports Installed
Southerlin, Russell S
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports Installed
Southerlin, Russell S
- [s-cars] Fuel prices (NAC)
Eyvind Spangen
- [s-cars] SQuest, redux
Frank Stadmeyer
- [s-cars] S(edweirdo)quest
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] FW: Greetings from Saskatchewan !
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Part: Lightweight Flywheel
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Part: Lightweight Flywheel
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Lifter Noise
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Link to first photo
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Euro A8 (314x30)spec?
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] S4 bucking under WOT - what else?
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Update
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Clutch Woesssssssssssssss
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Rear Diffs: V8 torsen vs OEM S-car vacuum locker
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Replacing BOSE Unit
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Turbo Upgrade
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Seeking 92 S4 or S6 Plus Springs
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Turbo Upgrade
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Seeking 92 S4 or S6 Plus Springs
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Fwd: Koni/Eibach..not level :(
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Mysterious fuel pump problem at start
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Update
Nate Stuart
- [s-cars] Rear Diffs: V8 torsen vs OEM S-car vacuum locker
Nate Stuart
- [s-cars] FW: Greetings from Saskatchewan !
Nick Stuart
- [s-cars] J-Hose Source
Nick Stuart
- [s-cars] Dumb question--identifying original ECU chips
Marc Swanson
- [s-cars] Eibach spring spacers
Neil Swanson
- [s-cars] Chip Soldering Tips
Richard Tanimura
- [s-cars] Time for timing belt
Aaron Taylor
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Aaron Taylor
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
Aaron Taylor
- [s-cars] Chip Soldering Tips
Aaron Taylor
- [s-cars] whining replacement heater blower (yes, replacement)
Aaron Taylor
- [s-cars] Oil in crossflow pipe.
Lino M. Valadas
- [s-cars] Distributor shaft gear
Lino M. Valadas
- [s-cars] Distributor shaft gear
Lino M. Valadas
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion. I turned the key and...
Lino M. Valadas
- [s-cars] Hands free + armrest tweek
Steve Voit
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
Steve Voit
- [s-cars] SQuest
Ed Walsh
- [s-cars] Finally got the S6 lowered... I guess total drop was somwhere near 2.5"
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] 1988 90 quattro - good or bad?
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] Intermittent: Bad Idle, Stall & Black Smoke
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] 2.6L Stroker Software?
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] Oil catch tank
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] S4 bucking under WOT - what else?
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] 6 Speed Installed
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] RS2 turbo and EM install questions
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] ECS Stage III
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] Seeking 92 S4 or S6 Plus Springs
Emre Washburn
- [s-cars] looking for a source for floor mats
Robert Welch
- [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Separate forum?
Ronald Whiton
- [s-cars] Radio Antenna Broken
Gregory Wolters
- [s-cars] Antenna Mast Price
Gregory Wolters
- [s-cars] Upper Radiator Hose
Gregory Wolters
- [s-cars] Bira sys 6 group buy
auditechni at
- [s-cars] pulled 5 codes with scan tool, help diagnosing them
forrest bradshaw
- [s-cars] boost/accleeration still choppy
forrest bradshaw
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Newbie UrS6 owner has some questions....
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Overboosting.
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] WAS gas prices, now racist subaru's
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] WAS: subbie racist, now Rental Cars
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Driver side door lock
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] 3B Injector Anybody?
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Overboosting.
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Overboosting.
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Coils
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Lower door trim, redux...
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
calvinlc at
- [s-cars] You know you've happersized your S car when
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Way Wrong temp readout
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Way Wrong temp readout
chris chambers
- [s-cars] 1988 90 quattro - good or bad?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] 1988 90 quattro - good or bad?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] 1988 90 quattro - good or bad?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] car review needed on 2002 C32 AMG
chris chambers
- [s-cars] car review needed on 2002 C32 AMG
chris chambers
- [s-cars] clutch rod snapped?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] UrS4 spotted on I-69 (michigan)
chris chambers
- [s-cars] clutch rod snapped?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Speaking of corner lights...
chris chambers
- [s-cars] turn signal parts needed
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Expansion tank replace or just a hose clamp?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Is there a FAQ on the web somewhere for changing the
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Couple of brake questions, was: J-hose...
chris chambers
- [s-cars] wanna trade - UPDATE
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Brake Light Problem Back Again
chris chambers
- [s-cars] S4 bucking under WOT - what else?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] S4 bucking under WOT - what else?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] boost/accleeration still choppy
chris chambers
- [s-cars] whining replacement heater blower (yes, replacement)
chris chambers
- [s-cars] S4 grille badge needed
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Replacing whinning blower
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Acetone in Gasoline?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Part: Lightweight Flywheel
djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Eibach/Bilstein and Camber - What's *the* Solution?
djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
djdawson2 at
- [s-cars] Finally got the S6 lowered... I guess total drop was somwhere near 2.5"
elijahallen92 at
- [s-cars] So who's car is this??
elijahallen92 at
- [s-cars] So who's car is this??
elijahallen92 at
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
elijahallen92 at
- [s-cars] still looking for unstable idle problem
elijahallen92 at
- [s-cars] still looking for unstable idle problem
elijahallen92 at
- [s-cars] Mysterious fuel pump problem at start
- [s-cars] clues for windshield or dash removal please
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] my new favorite mug
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] clues for windshield or dash removal please
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] high flow race cats?
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] high flow race cats?
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] Anyone know anything about car transport....
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] Evo schmevo
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] Evo schmevo
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] special tool advice
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] Anyone replaced a turn signal arm?
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] J-Hose Source
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] J-Hose Source
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] Couple of brake questions, was: J-hose...
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] list wisdom request: clutch woes
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] Q7 High-bred
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] S8 Avus
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] Brake Light Problem Back Again
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] if i could direct your attention here...
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] if i could direct your attention here...
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] if i could direct your attention here...
brian hoeft
- [s-cars] NAC: BMW Tension.
hoog23 at
- [s-cars] LAF: Tuesday Theater
hoog23 at
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
hoog23 at
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
hoog23 at
- [s-cars] Which Big Brake kit
hoog23 at
- [s-cars] 996 caliper install update (was "Which Big Brake kit")
hoog23 at
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
j.n.tilden at
- [s-cars] LAF: Tuesday Theater
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
- [s-cars] 2B Camber Plate Group Buy - Initial Interest Poll
- [s-cars] Rear Diffs: V8 torsen vs OEM S-car vacuum locker
- [s-cars] Koni/Eibach..not level :(
- [s-cars] Fwd: Koni/Eibach..not level :(
- [s-cars] RS6 at salvage auction in Denver
jwbutler at
- [s-cars] RS6 at salvage auction in Denver
jwbutler at
- [s-cars] still looking for unstable idle problem
lebakken1 at
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
lebakken1 at
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sport and Eibach Spring Installl Gone Bad
lebakken1 at
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
lebakken1 at
- [s-cars] //SFest 2005 highlights - long
matt ludwig
- [s-cars] HELP: Trans no longer going into gear
matt ludwig
- [s-cars] PSO pricing
matt ludwig
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
matt ludwig
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
matt ludwig
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
matt ludwig
- [s-cars] S8 Avus
matt ludwig
- [s-cars] NAC: BMW Tension.
matt ludwig
- [s-cars] Brake Light Problem Back Again
matt ludwig
- [s-cars] Finland ~ Feb 21 to 25th, 2006 Audi Driving Experience
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] phone speaker wire
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] WAS gas etc., now urQ mania
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] SQuest
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] clutch rod snapped?
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] Anyone know anything about car transport....
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] Oh no... ignition may not have solved problem!!
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] Coils
bill mahoney
- [s-cars] Wanted: AAN Valve/Coil Cover
- [s-cars] Power door locks - unlocking themselves again
- [s-cars] Canucks - try MacEwen gas...
- [s-cars] Finland ~ Feb 21 to 25th, 2006 Audi Driving Experience
- [s-cars] Finland ~ Feb 21 to 25th, 2006 Audi Driving Experience
- [s-cars] high flow race cats?
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
- [s-cars] Evo schmevo
- [s-cars] Sport Quattro Manifold
- [s-cars] I guess no one warned them about S//Fest?
- [s-cars] Track timing systems/data loggers? GPS
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
- [s-cars] Intermittent: Bad Idle, Stall & Black Smoke
mtgadbois at
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
- [s-cars] Redline Tranny Fluid
- [s-cars] 2.6L Stroker Software?
- [s-cars] AWD wagons
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] //SFest 2005 highlights - long
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] //SFest 2005 highlights - long
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] CO Mafia
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] FW: Greetings from Saskatchewan !
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] FW: Greetings from Saskatchewan !
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] SQuest, redux
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] S(edweirdo)quest
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] S(edweirdo)quest
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] FW: Greetings from Saskatchewan !
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] S(edweirdo)quest
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Now turn signal problems from Saskatchewan !
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Front Suspension clunking (still)
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Part: Lightweight Flywheel
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] cheaters
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Lifter Noise
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Evo schmevo
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs & torque & Anti Seize & lions & tigers & bears oh my
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Lower door trim, redux...
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] coils - best price I found $95 @ FAP
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] I guess no one warned them about S//Fest?
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] (no subject)
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] LAF Weakend Theater
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Dragstrip day
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] if i could direct your attention here...
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] if i could direct your attention here...
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Increased UrS mileage 20%
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] Increased UrS mileage 20%
pkrasusky at
- [s-cars] 2 audi's for sale
johnny sack
- [s-cars] need tech in Santa Monica
hartmann schoebel
- [s-cars] Holy Bugatti Batman (NAC)
todd at
- [s-cars] Antenna Mast Price
todd at
- [s-cars] UrS4/6 Afterrun Thermoswitch option
todd at
- [s-cars] UrS4/6 Afterrun Thermoswitch option
todd at
- [s-cars] UrS4/6 Afterrun Thermoswitch option
todd at
- [s-cars] UrS4/6 Afterrun Thermoswitch option
todd at
- [s-cars] Headgasket thickness
todd at
- [s-cars] ECS Stage III
todnad at
- [s-cars] ECS Stage III
todnad at
- [s-cars] Now turn signal problems from Saskatchewan !
tony.curran at
- [s-cars] Bilstein Sports - do I need bump stops?
tony.curran at
- [s-cars] Spark Plugs
tony.curran at
- [s-cars] Wheels and Suspension
tony.curran at
- [s-cars] Increased UrS mileage 20%
tony.curran at
- [s-cars] misc '93 S4 items
- [s-cars] URGENT HELP NEEDED: half the electrics are dead
vfregeac at
Last message date:
Fri Sep 30 21:01:17 EDT 2005
Archived on: Wed Oct 5 12:03:04 EDT 2005
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).