[s-cars] Dragstrip day
pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Sep 27 14:13:13 EDT 2005
Davey dragged:
<<<Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 20:53:55 EDT
From: Djdawson2 at aol.com
Subject: [s-cars] Dragstrip day
Finally got the car to the dragstrip. I had my newly installed 928
Temps were 81-85 degrees by my dash display, and the dragstrip is at
The runs were made with pump Chevron 91 octane gas.
The results were less than pleasing... but I have to pass them along as
points, or I'd be a cheater.
4 runs... 13.13 @ 106.48, 13.23 @ 100.85, 13.19 @ 103.10 and 13.20 @
I don't believe I can draw many useful conclusions yet, as the 928 MAF
adjusted properly. The car refused to pull hard in 3rd gear, and
the early run times (60ft, 330ft, and 1/8 mile) had NO effect on the
My best 60ft time was 1.805 sec. My worst launch resulted in a 2.244
60ft. Ironically, the run with the 2.244 60ft was my quickest and
fastest run,
when it took me nearly .5 seconds longer to complete the first 60ft.
Next, the clutch. The Centerforce isn't up to the task. You can't
aggressively, or it will go into an uncontrolled slip. Gotta do
about this if I'm going to see good dragstrip results. Other cars that
making it to 106mph were recording mid 12s on the ET.
Finally, the gear ratios. Quandry here... 3rd gear at 8500rpm still
get you to the end of the track. However, shifting into 4th is done so
that it becomes a penalty. As a result, my best time and speed (13.13
106.48) was achieved by running 3rd gear to 8500rpm, pushing in the
clutch and
coasting through the trap.
All wasn't lost, however. When you can run next to a new Z06 (I think
the designation) at still beat him by 4 or 5 carlengths in a heavy 4
sedan... you still feel pretty good, and generate a lot of curiosity in
the pits.
Stay tuned.
Few thoughts Davey-
1st) thanks for the detail, real decent runs you had, good show Watson.
A near 4k lb. pig scraping into the near 12's taint f'n bad... great to
see more of these posts, no matter how silly they seem! Poor Z06, sucks
to be him heh heh. Do I recall correctly that red 2.6L stroker in NJ
running a 12.5? I still say anything near 12s is amazing in a piggoC4.
Good job.
B) What's leaving some on the table for you... as you know 91 craptane
bloooows, esp. for your set up. Nutty. Maybe try mixing fuel? 2,700
feet IS altitude technically, but isn't that that high. I'd say @ 0'
and 93 octane you'd crack into the high 12's.
iii) a 1.8 sec 60' is darn good for said 4k lb. piggy, IMO/E. Anything
under that might start munchymunching dollar-related things me thinks.
My best were consistent 2.2's, with mildly enthusiastic launches (slip
SPEC stage 2+ clutch @ holding ~ 2k). Interesting the Centerforce isn't
up to your application's task, bummer, not fun. Maybe it needed some
deglazing, tho I doubt it from what I know of you / your set up / your
other cars owned 8-). Get that smellybadclutchbake
(Serge-sake-reference) outta the HVAC yet? Blech!
IV) you run a 6 spd, IIRC? Wonder what gearing you have, I don't run
out of tach in my CMG, tho I'm only trap'ing @ ~ 97ish with my K24.
Guess if I trapped higher I'd be shifting then to cross the gate?
Thotho, do I fuzzily recall 1st-3rd being identical on 5 and 6 gang
boxes, it's only 4-6 that are different, or was it only 1st-2nd? Did
you try keeping the right foot a-planted during the 3-4 upshift?
Keep up the good work out there ya madman.
-Paul the world is my daily practice K.
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