[s-cars] Rear Diffs: V8 torsen vs OEM S-car vacuum locker

Nate Stuart newt at motorgeek.com
Thu Sep 29 09:16:45 EDT 2005

jpb3 wrote:

>I think that the Torsen would be your best bet. I own a V8 as well as the
>95.5 S6 (EDL) and would love to have a Torsen rear in the S6. If it were not
>for cost I think Audi would have put a Torsen rear in every Quattro
>drivetrain. Torsen keeps the rear weels locked above 15mph, I think it locks
>up to 35 or 45 mph.
Torsen differentials do not lock up at all, and are not speed dependant. 
They are torque biasing units, biasing more torque to the wheel with the 
most resistance(traction).


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