[s-cars] Acetone in Gasoline?

Jason Butler jwbutler at wispertel.net
Fri Sep 30 12:16:50 EDT 2005

I haven't read the article yet but was listening to a car talk show one day 
and a guy was talking about his Toyota Prius and how he got about 47 mpg on 
pump fuel at sea level but here in Colorado only gets about 38 mpg on pump 
fuel but when he adds small amounts of acetone up here he sees 42 
mpg.    The hosts of the talk show didn't deny the fact it could increase 
mileage but said that it would shorten the life of the engine because of 
the acidic exhaust.


At 10:45 PM 9/29/2005, you wrote:
>Does anyone have a scientific basis to back it up? Or is it all
>just hearsay.
> From what myself and some chem prof friends surmise, it
>can't work. The article really doesn't support "how it works",
>the problem is, none of us can find the "hook". Does the
>guy own stock in paint companies or something?
>LL - NY
>On 9/29/05, Jason Butler 
><<mailto:jwbutler at wispertel.net>jwbutler at wispertel.net> wrote:
> From what I here is that acetone at higher elevations will increase the
>gas mileage but not significantly. Also if you run it long enough or in
>higher concentrations the exhaust vapors from acetone are acidic and can
>damage the valves, not too good IMHO.
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