[s-cars] Fwd: Stolen S2

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Sat Sep 3 19:38:23 EDT 2005

FYI.  I've asked David if he has further details (ie plates, color,  
wheels, or photo)...if anyone else does, please contact me off list  
so I can maybe post the details on the main page.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: David <duandcc_forums at cox.net>
> Date: September 3, 2005 6:24:36 PM EDT
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: Stolen S2
> FYI: Sometime between last Mon-Wed. Andrew's S2 was stolen from the  
> 2Bennett Parking lot. If anyone knows of Parts being sold for a  
> Euro S2 or hears anything about parts someone is selling please  
> call 530-758-7325
> $500 reward for info leading to Arrest
> Just passing the info along, not affiliated in any way...
> Dave

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