[s-cars] WAS: subbie racist, now Rental Cars

RM waves at epix.net
Wed Sep 7 09:13:50 EDT 2005

TAKA Said:
>You're lucky they give you a new Jetta- at the dealership where I worked,
>you got an Enterprise car most of the time. Your allroad would be replaced
>by a nice shiny Kia Rio for the day. :-)
 >Your local dealership (Vision?) probably also has plenty of space for
>parking and the like- my old place was a huge clusterf**k when it came to
>parking, for customers and employees.

Well, i must preface this by saying i was actually looking for a new jetta 
TDI at one point.
I also happen to be on pretty good terms with the people there. Typically i 
get a 6k mile 2004
jetta, but never a japanese car! YIKES!  ;-)

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