[s-cars] S4 bucking under WOT - what else?

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 23 10:09:21 EDT 2005


I'm probably not the closest but if you want to ship your parts here
I'll test them one of my cars.

FYI My car is a 93 S4 and has the Innovative turbo's "RS2" turbo,RS2
injectors and RS2 EM. My wife's car is a 93 S4 and is stock.

Let me know

--- Ivan Demkovitch <idemkovitch at hotmail.com> wrote:

> To all:
> I "cleaned" MAF means that I sprayed connector and wire connector
> with 
> contact cleaner couple of times.
> Car started to play with me. This morning it drove almost fine. There
> was 
> some interruptions when accelerate but they weren't violent and felt
> much 
> different. Will see how it goes later when outside temperature hits
> 95-100
> Replacing boots (even at WordPac prices) is kind of "guessing"
> I'm still worrying about oil in turbo intake. MAF screen little wet
> and hose 
> wet. I don't think it should be there?
> I would pay somebody for shipping and ship back their MAF  ASAP if
> someone 
> let me try it.
> Or I can ship my MAF, ECU and coil pack to somebody who can test them
> for me 
> on their car.
> Too bad I didn't find any other UrS in St. Louis
> Thanks,
> Ivan
> 93' S4

AUDI - Accelerates Under Demonic Influence.

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