[s-cars] Dragstrip day

Djdawson2@aol.com Djdawson2 at aol.com
Wed Sep 28 01:19:59 EDT 2005

In a message dated 9/27/2005 10:17:24 PM Mountain Standard Time,  
joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com writes:

You're  absolutely right on the chassis thing. Tons of horsepower and a  nice
dynosheet is a good thing if you're into just waving it in everyone's  face,
but as we both know, going around the track in something that's a bit  more
capable is a lot more fun than wrestling with Miss Piggy in the  mud.
Yeah, well... a ton of power in a highway cruise missile, which is the  
capacity in which my S4 serves me (30k+ miles/year), is also fun.  My car  isn't a 
track car, and I've never driven it on one.  It is used for regular  long 
commutes on relatively empty western highways and backroads... full of  moderate 
turns and hills.  For that purpose, it is about the most  entertaining
/comfortable combination I've ever owned.
BTW, the dyno sheet thing isn't about waving in faces, my friend... it's  
about a hobby that I enjoy.  I post my results (good or bad) because I had  
assumed others enjoy hearing about the results... maybe that's a bad assumption  on 
my part?

As Rod once said "The road beyond RS2 lies full of heartache  and a lighter
wallet." Wise man, that Haney.

Perhaps... but there's a bunch of fun in that mix too.  Besides... any  man 
attempting to move a little beyond the "same old - same old"  better come 
prepared to deal with the inherent challenges.  Otherwise, he  should just stay 
home.  For me, cars are all about the fun.  I still  got less money in this thing 
than a well equipped Kia.
Thanks, but I'll keep my old pig.

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