[s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion. I turned the key and...

Bob Frizzell bobfrizzell at shaw.ca
Sun Sep 18 23:15:32 EDT 2005

That sounds like a big success. I am excited to see the pictures, and the
car when I'm in Vancouver next month. I just wired in one new coil, and even
it seemed to make my car run a bit better than it did most recently on 5 old
working coils. BTW I was going to get the coil from VM but decided to get it
locally so I could get the car running quickly.  I paid $115 Canadian from
Karmac in Edmonton, which I thought was a pretty good price.
Bob, 'Vancouver dreaming' in Edmonton.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Forgie" <forgied at direct.ca>
To: "s-cars" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2005 8:29 PM
Subject: [s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion. I turned the key and...

> YIPPEE!!!   Its ALIiiiiiive!!!
> Started right away, sounded good, rev'd nicely.  I still have to tidy up
> the wiring a bit and its late and I'm tired,  so I didn't even take it
> out of the garage.   Once I finish tieing down the wiring, I will take
> it for a drive and give a better report.  However, it looks very
> promising at this point.  I was slow doing this project but I didn't
> make any mistakes (okay I sliced one finger today).   I was just amazed
> it started and ran so smoothly. (Yippeee!!)
> This is all based on the 06B 905 115 L 1.8t coil packs that are
> currently selling for about $30 each. They have a built in POS, Coil and
> plug connector all in this one unit.  So for $150, I get the equivalent
> of 2 OEM S-car POSs, 5 OEM coils and 5 connector boots.  Do the Math.
> This is worth it (IF the test drive turns out fine)
> I have been taking pictures and will do a write up with part numbers and
> tricks once I am sure it works on the road.
> Time for a beer  (After bottling 700 bottles of wine earlier today, I'm
> not that interested in a glass of wine). ;>)
> Dave F.
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