[s-cars] (no subject)

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 21:10:10 EDT 2005

How Ironic. Conventry. Sound's like the special guests
of next year's //Fest should be erotically shaped I-6 and V12
"letter" automobiles of the English persuasion.
 LL - NY - 14 turbo cylinders. Wierd.

 On 9/23/05, pkrasusky at ups.com <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:
> Baloney Balonied:
> <<<Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 10:01:24 -0500
> From: "Bill Mahoney" <wmahoney at disk.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] I guess no one warned them about S//Fest?
> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <000001c5bf86$80366ae0$b3000f0a at D8HK3Q21>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Mlped surfed~
> "America's Best Place to Avoid Death Due to Natural Disaster": the area
> in
> and around Storrs, Conn., home to the University of Connecticut. It lies
> in
> Tolland County.."
> Mikey,
> Should be noted that it's prolly safe for all but one day a year. And;
> Just where is this sfest? Didja have any trouble finding the place?
> Could
> you find it on a map?
> Sfest is a wistful fantasy about go fast nuts who stumble on an
> enchanted
> car show called sfest while hunting grouse on the Connecticut moors. One
> of
> them falls in love with a beautiful GT3, then learns that sfest only
> materializes from the mists of time for a single day every year around
> the
> end of August. He cannot leave with the GT3 or sfest is doomed to
> disappear
> forever. Torn between his love for the GT3 and his obligation to go home
> to
> his urS4, he returns to New York. There, his overpowering desire for the
> GT3
> and for the peace of sfest cause him to dump his two ton pig and return
> to
> Connecticut in a desperate search for sfest and the GT3. Through the
> miracle
> of his love for the GT3, the car and sfest reappear, and he joins them
> forever.
> Heck, this could be movie!
> Bill ~it's a stretch~ M>>>
> Baloney-
> ***____FUNNIEST_EMAIL_EVER____***
> -Comic Book Guy
> I think you're on to something here Bill. And I do like your idea of
> having Mr. S6Plus here in CT (no comment) be 'my special guest' (aka I
> get to drive, then own, his car) next year. Stay tuned?
> And, just to keep 'em guessing we change venues every third year. Lions
> and tigers and bears, oh my.
> -//Schultz
> //CT
> ps. smaht $$$ bets on //Coventry, CT //2006 (and you have to pronounce
> it the proper "Cuv-entry")...
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