[s-cars] Evo schmevo

Joe Pizzimenti joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 13:48:25 EDT 2005

Dear Cocksucker,

Soon, very soon, your entire family will know what launch control sounds 
like reverberating off those trees in your backyard at 4AM.

What can I say? The Evo's so fast that it's...well, just ask mlp. I think 
he's got an s-car about as fast.

Joe, I know nuuuuuthing about no Bill Clancy or Bob of any kind, Pizzo

On 9/15/05, pkrasusky at ups.com <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:
> Joey pretended his car had launch control, oh, and was actually IN the 
> state of NY, or even near: 
> <<<From: Joe Pizzimenti <joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com> 
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Spark Plugs 
> Well, when the Mitsu starts the idle tick that sounds like lifters, I 
> usually just play around with the throttle cable, holding the car at 3k, 
> 4k, 
> 5k, 6k, 7k, etc with no load on the motor for about 20-30 seconds at each 
> interval. Stops making noise for a while after that. 
> Now whether that actually fixes the problem or just beats the lifters into 
> submission, you be the judge.>>> 
> Joeynutz- 
> Correction I think... 
> You mean the 'Ferris Bueller Parking Garage Attendants' you left the car 
> with back in Feb back in Ohio back with the blown motor are now exercising 
> your launch control on the fresh rebuild, out in Ohio, don't you???
> Dork. 
> How you like the neon green alien valve stem caps? Chili? 
> -Paul least my varying states of busted up cars are in my own state K. 
> ps. heh heh am I the only one here that thinks Bill Clancy is more like 
> "Bill Clancy" (akin to "Bob DG")???? I keep trying not to think so but can't 
> deny it really seemz someone is out there, posting bizzarro-posts just to F 
> with our heads here... you know the ones that are completely contrary to any 
> and every mankind??? Maybe it's just me 8-). Pizzo, you aliasing as "Bill 
> Clancy"???

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