[s-cars] pulled 5 codes with scan tool, help diagnosing them

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Wed Sep 14 22:07:23 EDT 2005

The 255 code comes up when the battery dies, or voltage gets low. Disregard this.  The '91 200q and S4/S6 ECUs throw this code.  I haven't seen it on other cars.

The other code probably came from when the hose blew.  Fix the hose, clear the codes, and see if anything comes back after about a week. 

You could also get your own scan tool software from shadetreesoftware.com....  (gratuitous product plug)  :)

Steve Eiche
Shade Tree Software, LLC 

Forrest wrote:

used a scan tool at shop yesterday and came up with 5 codes:

this code 4 times:

unknown component

this code once:
mixture adjustment
adaption limit
(add) not reached

what do these mean?
could blowing a hose and having the car die throw a code, its happened about
4 times. could driving with MAF dissconnected throw code? could my O2 sensor
splice work be bad?

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