[s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion: Wire loom update

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Fri Sep 30 16:29:15 EDT 2005

Thanks for all your suggestions for alternatives for my melting polyethylene wire loom problem.  I have just purchased a Taylor "chrome" convoluted (split) nylon tubing kit (the 39000 kit) as per:


There is a dealer 5 minutes from my office (who knew?).  I will have to be carefull that I don't get carried away and start wanting to polish and chrome things after I get this new loom on.  

Hap, you may want to order a case of this stuff to meet your needs.  ;>)

PS: I will be writing up the how-to instructions on the weekend to go with the Parts List, etc. I have posted earlier.

Dave F.

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